
Friday, September 26, 2003

pyramidhead red: yo, saw yer profile on XY, thought id say hey
Christeyopgwe: Hey what's up?
pyramidhead red: not much here
pyramidhead red: just hanging our
pyramidhead red: outpyramidhead red: tired of NW indiana
Christeyopgwe: sounds like fun
pyramidhead red: yup
Christeyopgwe: :-)
pyramidhead red: :-Christeyopgwe: don't be sad
pyramidhead red: sorry, i saw yer rpofile, yer very cute
Christeyopgwe: so where do you go?
Christeyopgwe: thanks
Christeyopgwe: are you there?
pyramidhead red: had to say so
pyramidhead red: ok
pyramidhead red: back
pyramidhead red: you there?
Christeyopgwe: ywah
Christeyopgwe: soeey
Christeyopgwe: *sorry
pyramidhead red: its cool
Christeyopgwe: where do you go to school?
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: you sound nice
Christeyopgwe: heh thanks
pyramidhead red: yeah, not a lot of guys around here
Christeyopgwe: where are ya at?
pyramidhead red: lol, ummm
pyramidhead red: its kinda far
Christeyopgwe: what school is it called?
pyramidhead red: oh, i live in hobart indiana
pyramidhead red: i go to IUN
Christeyopgwe: Indiana University... what's the N?
pyramidhead red: northwest
pyramidhead red: i live on the top corner of indiana, close to chicago
Christeyopgwe: I see
Christeyopgwe: fun tiems
pyramidhead red: ....not really
Christeyopgwe: what grade are ya in?
pyramidhead red: in a freshman in college
Christeyopgwe: aww a wittle freshy weshy
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: no that's cool
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: stop
pyramidhead red: meanie
Christeyopgwe: :-P
pyramidhead red: you're sweet
Christeyopgwe: thanks
Christeyopgwe: I try
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: you do very well
Christeyopgwe: aww you're just full of complements tonight
pyramidhead red: thats how i usually am
Christeyopgwe: :-)
pyramidhead red: brb
Christeyopgwe: ok
pyramidhead red: ok
pyramidhead red: back
Christeyopgwe: allright!
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: cool
Christeyopgwe: so what's up?
pyramidhead red: not much
pyramidhead red: bored
pyramidhead red: hatin indiana
Christeyopgwe: do you drive?
pyramidhead red: yup
Christeyopgwe: fun times
pyramidhead red: just got my liscence recently
Christeyopgwe: that's not a total loss then
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: total loss for what?
Christeyopgwe: well you hate IN, at least you can get away sometimes
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: yeah
Christeyopgwe: where are all your friends?
pyramidhead red: i only have like, 3 friends
Christeyopgwe: awww
Christeyopgwe: we'll work on that
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: are you sure?
Christeyopgwe: do you have a picture? if you don't it's cool
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: we'll work on that
Christeyopgwe: I promise
pyramidhead red: you don't even know my name
Christeyopgwe: yes I do
Christeyopgwe: it's Hunk
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: oh geeze
Christeyopgwe: Hunk A. Luicious
Christeyopgwe: haha
pyramidhead red: :-pyramidhead red: jeremy
Christeyopgwe: well that's even better
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: I'm Christopher
pyramidhead red: coolness
Christeyopgwe: oh yes
Christeyopgwe: I think so too
Christeyopgwe: I happen to love my name
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: well good, most people don't
Christeyopgwe: I know
Christeyopgwe: my name is awesome
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: Christopher Layne Guest
Christeyopgwe: that's my whole name
Christeyopgwe: in case you wanted to know
Christeyopgwe: for future refrence
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: i will be giving a quiz
pyramidhead red: it sounds refined
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: okay
pyramidhead red: ill be ready
Christeyopgwe: have you ever had a boyfriend?
pyramidhead red: lol, my 8th just broke up with me
Christeyopgwe: woah nelly!
Christeyopgwe: 8
Christeyopgwe: wow
Christeyopgwe: you've got to be a stud!
pyramidhead red: lol, not really
Christeyopgwe: yeah whatever
Christeyopgwe: do you look better than me?
pyramidhead red: i just need to date older guys from now on, guys my age don't commit
pyramidhead red: i don't think so
Christeyopgwe: I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN
Christeyopgwe: oh my gosh
Christeyopgwe: I SOO know what you mean
pyramidhead red: geeze, my recent BF broke up with me cuz he needed to "find himself"
Christeyopgwe: are you serious?
pyramidhead red: yeah
pyramidhead red: but
Christeyopgwe: but what?
pyramidhead red: if i needed to find myself, i would have my lover by my side even more
Christeyopgwe: well, I would want to know who I am before I dated someone, because if I lived my life through someone else, that'd be pretty sad
Christeyopgwe: but that's just me
Christeyopgwe: I'm glad I know who I am
Christeyopgwe: so I can have a relationship
Christeyopgwe: when it comes
Christeyopgwe: but that'll happen in about a million years
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: why
Christeyopgwe: I don't know
Christeyopgwe: it's just like.. i get interested in a boy
Christeyopgwe: they get interested back
Christeyopgwe: and we go out on a couple of dates
Christeyopgwe: and either they become my friends, and the attraction is over, or they stop talking to me
Christeyopgwe: and I go crazy
pyramidhead red: geeze
pyramidhead red: no
pyramidhead red: that shouldn't happen
pyramidhead red: not to a boy like you
Christeyopgwe: yeah, you're right
Christeyopgwe: aww you barely know me bud.. but you're right
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: sometimes I wish I didn't have a picture online
pyramidhead red: why?
pyramidhead red: its cute as hell
Christeyopgwe: that's why.. no one reads the profiles
pyramidhead red: i do
Christeyopgwe: yeah if the picture is cute
pyramidhead red: lol, well, its hard to look at all of them, i just look at the ones that catch my eyes, headlines are cool too
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: my headline is stupid
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: but I don't care anymore
pyramidhead red: what was it again
Christeyopgwe: so what's your picture look like?
pyramidhead red: umm, you didn't look at it?
Christeyopgwe: you didn't show me
pyramidhead red: oh
pyramidhead red wants to directly connect.
The connection with pyramidhead red was not successful. Make sure that your Buddy is using the latest version of AIM. Changing your settings in the Firewall preference may help. Also both you and your Buddy may need to adjust the settings of the firewall software o.
christeyopgwe wants to directly connect.
pyramidhead red is now directly connected.
pyramidhead red: okay
pyramidhead red:
Christeyopgwe: it doesn't look like you have red hair
pyramidhead red: i said that?
Christeyopgwe: no
pyramidhead red: oh
Christeyopgwe: but I guessed
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: :-)
Christeyopgwe: so what kinds of books do you like?
Christeyopgwe: who are your favorite authors?
pyramidhead red: oh, shit
Christeyopgwe: don't like to read?
Christeyopgwe: it's cool
pyramidhead red: umm, i love anything horror and science fiction, but right now im reading philosophy
pyramidhead red: marx, sarte
Christeyopgwe: cool beans
pyramidhead red: yup
Christeyopgwe: what about movies?
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: psychological horror, classic horror, cult classics
Christeyopgwe: cool beans
Christeyopgwe: like what
pyramidhead red: i love horror games too
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: like good ole' Doom and Quake?
pyramidhead red: umm, identity was cool, i liked mothman prophecies just cuz of the style, ummm, texas chainsaw massacre, princess mononoke, umm, the silent hill games
pyramidhead red: no, no doom
Christeyopgwe: so did you like Spirited Away?
pyramidhead red: Silent hill, used to like resident evil, but silent hill took its place, umm, clocktower, alice, lol, mortal kombat still gets me
pyramidhead red: !!!!!!
pyramidhead red: OMG, yes
pyramidhead red: you are awesome kid
Christeyopgwe: just wondering
Christeyopgwe: you know that Disney agreed to do his next 2 movies?
pyramidhead red: oh yeah
Christeyopgwe: well he signed a contract with thim
pyramidhead red: no, not do them, import them
pyramidhead red: there is a disney-ghibli contract
Christeyopgwe: like distribute them in the US
Christeyopgwe: yeah
pyramidhead red: not only his, but takahata
Christeyopgwe: i don't know him
pyramidhead red: same company
Christeyopgwe: ahh gotcha
pyramidhead red: they do films together, and help on each others
pyramidhead red: but yeah, its like, 12 films in the contract
Christeyopgwe: really?
Christeyopgwe: don't they have to work in Disney films too?
pyramidhead red: no
pyramidhead red: they don't even like disney films
Christeyopgwe: but then what's the contract?
pyramidhead red: its mostly them kissing his ass
pyramidhead red: he and takahata get their films imported to the US, disney can't touch them, can't edit shit, can't change anything
Christeyopgwe: oh that's awesome
pyramidhead red: yup, the only problem so far was princess mononoke, cuz that one was PG-13, so disney didn't want their name on it, they own mirimax, so they used that sub-company to distribute it instead
Christeyopgwe: I see
Christeyopgwe: I know Disney owns Miramax
Christeyopgwe: I am a film major after all
pyramidhead red: yup, miramax, ABC....
pyramidhead red: oh
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: shit
pyramidhead red: sorry
Christeyopgwe: it's all good
pyramidhead red: well, what about you for a while
pyramidhead red: what do you like?
Christeyopgwe: everything basically
Christeyopgwe: I'll tell you what I don't like
pyramidhead red: lol, i didn't mean sex
pyramidhead red: oh, ok
Christeyopgwe: haha I'm a virgin
pyramidhead red: ooooooohhhh, cool
Christeyopgwe: not really
Christeyopgwe: I want to loose it
Christeyopgwe: but I can't
pyramidhead red: well, if i see ya, im gonna jump on ya yer so cute
Christeyopgwe: because I won't let myself
pyramidhead red: oh, why
pyramidhead red: waiting for someone
pyramidhead red: special
Christeyopgwe: yeah
pyramidhead red: thats sweet
Christeyopgwe: and he's never coming
Christeyopgwe: so celibacy for me
pyramidhead red: i doubt that
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: im looking for someone special
Christeyopgwe: oh I don't doubt it
pyramidhead red: you frustrated from looking?
Christeyopgwe: well kind of
Christeyopgwe: I took myself off of the market
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: to make guys come to me
pyramidhead red: well, i did
Christeyopgwe: but then when they came
Christeyopgwe: bad things happend
pyramidhead red: lol, i know
Christeyopgwe: and I don't like it
Christeyopgwe: it's like I'm too forward at times
Christeyopgwe: I may scare them away
Christeyopgwe: I don' tknow
Christeyopgwe: it's like wow.. someone likes me, so I should see if something happens
pyramidhead red: oh god
pyramidhead red: what guys are you talking to
pyramidhead red: i love forwardsness
Christeyopgwe: there's this one really cool awesome guy (I shouldn't be telling you this, but I can't stop typing) and we talked for ever and ever, and we were really excited to meet (still haven't) but he's not calling me, and I don't want to call him, because he might be busy, and I've already texted him three times, and it's crazy, and I'm about to blow up..
pyramidhead red: ....
pyramidhead red: you're thinking too much
Christeyopgwe: I know
Christeyopgwe: but I can't stop
Christeyopgwe: I overanalyze alot
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: me too
Christeyopgwe: and then you come online, and you're like wow and cool, and I"m like well what do I do?
Christeyopgwe: I mean I know we're just talking
pyramidhead red: yup
pyramidhead red: its cool
Christeyopgwe: and it's the beginning of many comcversations
Christeyopgwe: *conversations
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: good
pyramidhead red: theres this guy im talking to, only cuz he;s cose by (next town), hes...not into me at all, not even talking
Christeyopgwe: but I'm just like going stupid, and I can't take this.. guys are rarely intrested in me
Christeyopgwe: why not?
Christeyopgwe: what's he into?
pyramidhead red: i don't know, i try to converse, but it doesn't work
pyramidhead red: he doesn't talk
pyramidhead red: i just deleated him from my buddy list
pyramidhead red: thats guys around here
Christeyopgwe: that stinks
pyramidhead red: yup
pyramidhead red: every guy around here flames badly, and liked cher and shit
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: that doesn't bother me
Christeyopgwe: like I have plenty of flamy friends
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: I just don't look for it in a mate
pyramidhead red: but...thats ALL there is
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: I know what you mean
Christeyopgwe: they are easy though
Christeyopgwe: get your rocks off
pyramidhead red: no one different, cept me
pyramidhead red: egh
pyramidhead red: im not into that
Christeyopgwe: so do you want to get married?
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: no
Christeyopgwe: in general
pyramidhead red: i dunno, before my recent ex, i hated marriage completely, i still do, but, i almost asked him
Christeyopgwe: are you serious
Christeyopgwe: no way
Christeyopgwe: you're a Freshman
Christeyopgwe: you can't get married
Christeyopgwe: I am a sophomore
Christeyopgwe: I'm ready
Christeyopgwe: you're not
Christeyopgwe: haha
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: oh geeze
pyramidhead red: not a big diff
Christeyopgwe: I know
Christeyopgwe: I'm kidding
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: its cool
Christeyopgwe: so how many kids do you want?
pyramidhead red: im gonna get a bunch of dogs
Christeyopgwe: those aren't kids
pyramidhead red: im a dog person, i already raised 2 kids
Christeyopgwe: I like dogs too
Christeyopgwe: I want three kida
Christeyopgwe: *kids
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: well, i guess ill think about it when it happens
Christeyopgwe: I want them before I turn 20
Christeyopgwe: well 30
Christeyopgwe: but 20 is okay
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: its cool
pyramidhead red: if i was with someone and it felt right, then i could see it
pyramidhead red: i want something real now, no fucking short relationships that go nowhere
Christeyopgwe: I know
pyramidhead red: i want something deep, and real
Christeyopgwe: I KNOW!
Christeyopgwe: I totally know
Christeyopgwe: oh my gosh
Christeyopgwe: I so know
pyramidhead red: i just got dumped cuz he wanted to "find himself" i wasn't in his new plans. He said we were perfect, but he didn't know who he was. he didn't want to think about dating, and i was under the impression that we could work shit out when he got better....he just put a new ad on XY
Christeyopgwe: are you serious?
pyramidhead red: yep
pyramidhead red: i was in love, i was going to propose a week after, oh well
Christeyopgwe: no way
pyramidhead red: yep
Christeyopgwe: how long?
pyramidhead red: thats how it is around here
pyramidhead red: how long for what?
Christeyopgwe: were you dating?
pyramidhead red: umm, 4 months, it was my longest so far
Christeyopgwe: are you serious
Christeyopgwe: and you were ready yo propose?
Christeyopgwe: wow
pyramidhead red: yep, like i said, thats how this area is
Christeyopgwe: you need to get out
Christeyopgwe: haha
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: i know
pyramidhead red: chicago guys are much sweeter, and cuter
Christeyopgwe: where do your parents live?
pyramidhead red: with me, in indiana
Christeyopgwe: wow
Christeyopgwe: I see
Christeyopgwe: I'm from the south
pyramidhead red: oh, wow
pyramidhead red: why'd you move to chicago?
Christeyopgwe: school
pyramidhead red: oh, ok
pyramidhead red: where you go?
Christeyopgwe: Columbia
pyramidhead red: oh, cool
pyramidhead red: im going to go to rush in a few years
Christeyopgwe: oh awesome
pyramidhead red: so yeah, eventually im getting out
Christeyopgwe: haha
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: brb
pyramidhead red: ok

Auto response from pyramidhead red: phone with Rohan

Christeyopgwe: bacl
pyramidhead red: great
pyramidhead red: i missed you
Christeyopgwe: yeah right
pyramidhead red: i did
pyramidhead red: youre nice
Christeyopgwe: thanks
pyramidhead red: no problem
Christeyopgwe: I'm so bored
pyramidhead red: im sorry, maybe i could entertain you
Christeyopgwe: yeah strip
Christeyopgwe: now
Christeyopgwe: go
Christeyopgwe: kidding
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: oh geeze
Christeyopgwe: unless you want to, I won't mind
Christeyopgwe: okay
Christeyopgwe: sooo..
Christeyopgwe: new topic
Christeyopgwe: allright
Christeyopgwe: I'm out.. I have to get some air
Christeyopgwe: you can call me later if you want, 312-388-0541
Christeyopgwe: peace out :-)
Christeyopgwe: lator gator
pyramidhead red: oh geeze
pyramidhead red: wow
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: awesome
Christeyopgwe: what are you wowing?
pyramidhead red: i got a phone #
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: you sure did
Christeyopgwe: bye man
Christeyopgwe: :-)
pyramidhead red: later

Auto response from pyramidhead red: Into the Woods it's time to go, I hate to leave, I have to though, into the woods, it's time and so I must begin my journey!

Into the woods and through the trees, to where I am expected, ma'am,

Into the woods to Grandmother's house!

well not really grandmother's house, but hey.
give me a ring. 312-388-0541

pyramidhead red direct connection is closed.
Christeyopgwe: Hey there
pyramidhead red: hey!!
Christeyopgwe: what's up?
pyramidhead red: not much
Christeyopgwe: sounds like fun times
pyramidhead red: i know
Christeyopgwe: do you have class tomorrow?
pyramidhead red: nope
Christeyopgwe: fun times!
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: concert tomorrow
Christeyopgwe: you can drive into the city
Christeyopgwe: where?
pyramidhead red: umm, aragon i think
pyramidhead red: umm, soon, ill try one of these weekends
Christeyopgwe: haha it's all good
pyramidhead red: i know
Christeyopgwe: I talk too much
pyramidhead red: no you don't
Christeyopgwe: that was so random, I know
Christeyopgwe: but I really do
pyramidhead red: better than me talking and waiting forever for a reply
Christeyopgwe: like on the phone, I ramble on and on
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: ill see
Christeyopgwe: because people don't talk
Christeyopgwe: and so I have to keep it going
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: thats a good thing
Christeyopgwe: yeah, but when I get going
Christeyopgwe: I say stupid stuff
pyramidhead red: but, you haven't said anything uninteresting yet
Christeyopgwe: that's because we just started talking
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: :-)
pyramidhead red: hey, can i try something
pyramidhead red wants to directly connect.
The connection with pyramidhead red was not successful. Make sure that your Buddy is using the latest version of AIM. Changing your settings in the Firewall preference may help. Also both you and your Buddy may need to adjust the settings of the firewall software o.
christeyopgwe wants to directly connect.
pyramidhead red is now directly connected.
Christeyopgwe: I'm magical
pyramidhead red wants to send file 02 Track 2.wma.
Christeyopgwe: what song is it?
pyramidhead red: maybe its something im doing wrong
pyramidhead red: im trying to send it to someone
pyramidhead red: but it wont work
Christeyopgwe: don't direct connect
Christeyopgwe: just send the file
pyramidhead red wants to send file 02 Track 2.wma.
Christeyopgwe: do you have a firewall?
pyramidhead red: would that matter if i was sending to you
Christeyopgwe: I don't know
pyramidhead red wants to send file 02 Track 2.wma.
Christeyopgwe: there you go
pyramidhead red: umm, that wasn't good, it took like 3 seconds
pyramidhead red wants to send file 02 Track 2.wma.
Christeyopgwe: no it said like 10 minutes left
pyramidhead red: oh shit
pyramidhead red: it said something different for me
pyramidhead red: oh well, try again,
Christeyopgwe: it says
Christeyopgwe: 10 minutes now
Christeyopgwe: left
pyramidhead red: i haven't attempted this since i cleaned out my computer
pyramidhead red: ok
pyramidhead red: brb, ill just leave this going, see what heppens, if you get it, hope you like it at least
Christeyopgwe: okay
pyramidhead red: what does it say now?
Christeyopgwe: 8 minuted
pyramidhead red: oh, ok
Christeyopgwe: *minutes
pyramidhead red: brb, ill just come back in a bit to check on it, gotta feed my cereal addiction
Christeyopgwe: ohh
Christeyopgwe: feed mine too
pyramidhead red: ok
pyramidhead red: i see the timer now
pyramidhead red: before i wasn't
Christeyopgwe: what'd ya get?
pyramidhead red: i dunno, i was gonna get golden grams, but grabbed trix
pyramidhead red: more sugar
Christeyopgwe: you rock
Christeyopgwe: that's all I have to say
pyramidhead red: yup
pyramidhead red: are the timers different
pyramidhead red: what does yours say?
Christeyopgwe: 3 minues 56 dscs
Christeyopgwe: 49
pyramidhead red: yeah, mies slow
Christeyopgwe: secks
Christeyopgwe: 42
Christeyopgwe: 35
Christeyopgwe: 27
Christeyopgwe: 19
pyramidhead red: maybe its cuz i havea huge pc game on pause
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: you little gamer nerd
Christeyopgwe: so just kidding
pyramidhead red: okay, it just caught up
pyramidhead red: well, i only like horror game
pyramidhead red: s
Christeyopgwe: it's all good
Christeyopgwe: I don't care
Christeyopgwe: I mean because i don't like them is no reason for you not to, and besides, if you got me playing, I'd prolly like it
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: do you live at home?
pyramidhead red: well
pyramidhead red: just for informational purposes (cuz you might actually like the song
pyramidhead red: it's called You're not here, by melissa williamson and Akira yamaoka
pyramidhead red: from the Silen Hill 3 soundtrack
pyramidhead red: Silent Hill 3
pyramidhead red: so yeah, its the theme to a horror video game. im a nerd
Christeyopgwe: don't worry
Christeyopgwe: I am too
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: I work at a computer store
christeyopgwe received C:\Documents and Settings\Josh Mackey\My Documents\download\christeyopgwe\02 Track 2.wma.
pyramidhead red: well, this isn't cheery stuff
pyramidhead red: oka
pyramidhead red: you know how to find it right
Christeyopgwe: it's kinda depressing
Christeyopgwe: yes
Christeyopgwe: didn't you just read what I said?
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: there are different kinds of nerds
pyramidhead red: you got any more pics?
Christeyopgwe: I work in a computer store
pyramidhead red: oh....
pyramidhead red: depressing, i thought it was really catchy
Christeyopgwe: gimme a coupla seconds and I'll open it right up
pyramidhead red: oh, i thought you were saying the song was depressing
Christeyopgwe: nah, I was saying it's depressing that I work in a computer store
Christeyopgwe: that makes me a nerd
pyramidhead red: oh, lol
Christeyopgwe: http://www.ryantown.com/gayboyfriend/
pyramidhead red: what the hell?
Christeyopgwe: it's soo funny
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: listen to it yet?
Christeyopgwe: right now
pyramidhead red: ok
Christeyopgwe: it won't plau
pyramidhead red: are you serious?
Christeyopgwe: yes
Christeyopgwe: I am
pyramidhead red: oh god, what am i doing wrong?
Christeyopgwe: it's my computer
Christeyopgwe: it's off of a CD huh
pyramidhead red: yeah
Christeyopgwe: it won't let me play it, because it's copyrighted
pyramidhead red: oh......shit
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: when I get my other computer
Christeyopgwe: then I'll play it
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: so you asked if I had more pictures
Christeyopgwe: ...
pyramidhead red: yeah
Christeyopgwe: most def
pyramidhead red: okay
Christeyopgwe: does thou?
pyramidhead red: one more
pyramidhead red: i asked first though
Christeyopgwe: you did
pyramidhead red: yes
pyramidhead red: so send
Christeyopgwe: ask and thoug shall receive
pyramidhead red: thoug!!!
Christeyopgwe: well, I have like 300
pyramidhead red: oh, well, send ones that you like
Christeyopgwe: oh I get to send you more than one!
pyramidhead red: yup
Christeyopgwe: I'm on the left
pyramidhead red: aha
pyramidhead red: how tall are you./
Christeyopgwe: 5'
Christeyopgwe: 6
pyramidhead red: ahh
Christeyopgwe: what about you?
pyramidhead red: 5'11''
Christeyopgwe: don't worry, I make up for it
Christeyopgwe: ;-)
pyramidhead red: LOO
pyramidhead red: are all black guys like that?
Christeyopgwe: I wouldn't know
pyramidhead red: i mean, i have the biggest dick for a white guy that i had ever seen, and well....i dated a black guy, and was depressed cuz he beat me
Christeyopgwe: oh really?
pyramidhead red: yeah
pyramidhead red: im almost 8 inches
Christeyopgwe: I'm usually bigger of all the guys I've been with
pyramidhead red: he was almost 9
Christeyopgwe: well I'm not almost nine
Christeyopgwe: but I'd give you a run for your money
pyramidhead red:
Christeyopgwe: :-)
Christeyopgwe: so where's your picture bud?
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red:
pyramidhead red: fuzzy
Christeyopgwe: and that's all you've got?
Christeyopgwe: sad times
pyramidhead red: 'shu'up
pyramidhead red: you see the other one?
Christeyopgwe: if it's of you naked
Christeyopgwe: then no
Christeyopgwe: so you should send it
Christeyopgwe: but if you're in a white shirt
Christeyopgwe: then yes
pyramidhead red: yeah, thats all i got
Christeyopgwe: it's all good
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: i gotta get goingta bed
Christeyopgwe: I was about to say the same thing
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: :-)
pyramidhead red: why is it that most gay white boys refuse to date outside of their race?
Christeyopgwe: i ask the same question
Christeyopgwe: and boy would I like the answer
pyramidhead red: hmmm, i always get strange looks when i tell them i prefer to date outside of my race
Christeyopgwe: really?
pyramidhead red: yeah
Christeyopgwe: you won't get them here
pyramidhead red: they think im crazy and just do it to spite people
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: good, i hate indiana
Christeyopgwe: well then get out
pyramidhead red: i mean, is that weird, i don't like white guys or mexicans
Christeyopgwe: not at all
pyramidhead red: okay
pyramidhead red: good
Christeyopgwe: well I don't really like black guys
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: im sorry, i love black men
Christeyopgwe: that's so great
Christeyopgwe: like it's crazy
pyramidhead red: why?
Christeyopgwe: because I love white guys
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: well, im not totally white
Christeyopgwe: hahaha
pyramidhead red: im a mutt
Christeyopgwe: I am too
pyramidhead red: mostly mexican
Christeyopgwe: I've got hispanic in me
pyramidhead red: and some white
pyramidhead red: but i don't like to date either of my races
pyramidhead red: lol
Christeyopgwe: I think it's really cool, because it's people like us who will change the world
pyramidhead red: lol
pyramidhead red: yay
pyramidhead red: awesome
pyramidhead red: well, gotta go man
pyramidhead red: see ya later
pyramidhead red direct connection is closed.
Christeyopgwe: allrught
Christeyopgwe: laters!
Christeyopgwe: sweet dreams
pyramidhead red: :-P
Christeyopgwe: night night
Christeyopgwe: http://www.ryantown.com/gayboyfriend/
CRZYcubnNaNa: i sawit already
Christeyopgwe: Fun times@
Christeyopgwe: amen
Christeyopgwe: fun times
Christeyopgwe: holler
Christeyopgwe: did you read my poem?
Christeyopgwe: it's awesome
CRZYcubnNaNa: no where is the poem?
Christeyopgwe: on my blog
CRZYcubnNaNa: ohhhh
CRZYcubnNaNa: no
CRZYcubnNaNa: not yet
CRZYcubnNaNa: okok ill go read it
CRZYcubnNaNa: geeez
Christeyopgwe: hahah
Christeyopgwe: it's really funny
CRZYcubnNaNa: who is mary?
Christeyopgwe: MARY JANE!
CRZYcubnNaNa: i cant see ur hair cut
CRZYcubnNaNa: u love mary jane?
Christeyopgwe: do you know what mary jane is?
CRZYcubnNaNa: ohhhhhhhh
CRZYcubnNaNa: i thought u meant mary jane from church
CRZYcubnNaNa: ya pot head
Christeyopgwe: it's SARAH JANE!
Christeyopgwe: OH MY GOSH!
Christeyopgwe: I am mad you said MARY JANE!
Christeyopgwe: hahah
CRZYcubnNaNa: opps 8-)
Christeyopgwe: I AM LAUGHING AT YOU
Christeyopgwe: hahahaha
CRZYcubnNaNa: i am laughin at you too
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: my poem
Christeyopgwe: is HOT
CRZYcubnNaNa: NO
CRZYcubnNaNa: ur wrong
CRZYcubnNaNa: I
Christeyopgwe: hahah
Christeyopgwe: yeah you are
CRZYcubnNaNa: i am
CRZYcubnNaNa: i swear
CRZYcubnNaNa: dont u belive me?
Christeyopgwe: I do
Christeyopgwe: I do
CRZYcubnNaNa: ok i gotta go get my freak on
Christeyopgwe: have fun!
CRZYcubnNaNa: i miss u!
CRZYcubnNaNa: be good!
CRZYcubnNaNa: cut down on potting all those plants ya here!
CRZYcubnNaNa: they might drown
Christeyopgwe: hahahahahahahahahahahahha
Christeyopgwe: you are too much!
Christeyopgwe: I love you girl!
CRZYcubnNaNa: i know im hilarious
CRZYcubnNaNa: i cant help ot
Christeyopgwe: hahah
CRZYcubnNaNa: did u hear about kelly?
Christeyopgwe: YES
Christeyopgwe: and I went butt ass crazy
Christeyopgwe: how is she just going to get married
CRZYcubnNaNa: 13 months pregnant
CRZYcubnNaNa: thats how
Christeyopgwe: and not send me in invatation
Christeyopgwe: 13 months
CRZYcubnNaNa: thats what she said
Christeyopgwe: that baby is overdue
CRZYcubnNaNa: week
CRZYcubnNaNa: s
Christeyopgwe: she needs to sork on that
CRZYcubnNaNa: my bad
Christeyopgwe: oh
CRZYcubnNaNa: hehe
CRZYcubnNaNa: hehehhe
Christeyopgwe: I was about to
CRZYcubnNaNa: opps
Christeyopgwe: say
CRZYcubnNaNa: just a little typo
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: fun times
Christeyopgwe: I still shouldh ave been invited
Christeyopgwe: shoot
Christeyopgwe: I don't respect
CRZYcubnNaNa: but it was just a court wedding
Christeyopgwe: I need to get married
Christeyopgwe: shit
Christeyopgwe: I don't care
CRZYcubnNaNa: they are haaving a real one when he gets back from basic
CRZYcubnNaNa: no u dont!
CRZYcubnNaNa: ur too young
Christeyopgwe: no I am not
Christeyopgwe: because I don't want to be old when I have kids
CRZYcubnNaNa: iww
CRZYcubnNaNa: me either
Christeyopgwe: I want to have three before I'm 29!
CRZYcubnNaNa: but owen wont geet married befoe he is out of the gaurd
Christeyopgwe: aww sad times
CRZYcubnNaNa: oh well ill live
CRZYcubnNaNa: ok dude
CRZYcubnNaNa: owen is waitin for me and his roomie is gone
CRZYcubnNaNa: :-P
Christeyopgwe: okay
CRZYcubnNaNa: so i gotta jet
Christeyopgwe: uh oh1
Christeyopgwe: peace out!
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
CRZYcubnNaNa: luv ya!

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

c h r i s 60637: hey
Christeyopgwe: hey
Christeyopgwe: whats going on
c h r i s 60637: just watched west wing on tv
c h r i s 60637: i've been watching so much tv recently, i'm going out of my mind
c h r i s 60637: how are you doing?
Christeyopgwe: not great
Christeyopgwe: but what are you going to do
c h r i s 60637: why not?
Christeyopgwe: hold on a sec
c h r i s 60637: sure
Christeyopgwe: okay back
c h r i s 60637: so why aren't you ok?
Christeyopgwe: well, there's this whole mix up with school, and it's not pretty, but it involves money, and shit, and I don't like it, and it's not looking good... I'll have to wait a semester, so I'll be working full time this semester.. not cool, and I'll be spending my summers here in Chicago
c h r i s 60637: oh no.... fucking office of financial aid... i hate those bastards too
c h r i s 60637: are you going back home or staying in chicago?
Christeyopgwe: oh I'm staying here
Christeyopgwe: that's not an issue
c h r i s 60637: :-) that's good
c h r i s 60637: what did you have to tell me last night when you left me a really excited message on my away message?
Christeyopgwe: OH my gosh!
Christeyopgwe: it's so incredible
c h r i s 60637: what?
Christeyopgwe: so I started my internship yesterday, right?
c h r i s 60637: yeah
Christeyopgwe: well I found out some fucking awesome news
c h r i s 60637: what
Christeyopgwe: okay, so I'm the Asst. Director of Volunteering, and Outreach, (how I got that spot, I don't know)
c h r i s 60637: that's cool
Christeyopgwe: and I get VIP passes to ALL of the events, and there's a HUGE ball-type thing, on the opening night of the festival
Christeyopgwe: HUGE stars are going to be there..
c h r i s 60637: no-way!
Christeyopgwe: Nicole Kidman
c h r i s 60637: get out
Christeyopgwe: Ed Harris
Christeyopgwe: Salma Hayek
c h r i s 60637: i love her!
Christeyopgwe: Benicio Del Toro
c h r i s 60637: wow! that's really amazingly awesome
c h r i s 60637: when's all that take place?
Christeyopgwe: Oct. 2
c h r i s 60637: wow that is so amazing
c h r i s 60637: i am so impressed
Christeyopgwe: thanks, i hope you can come to a movie or two with me
c h r i s 60637: yeah i hope so too... it should be my first weeks of class so i won't really have much going on i don't think
Christeyopgwe: excellent
c h r i s 60637: so what are you going to be doing this semester? working full time?
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: and at the festival
c h r i s 60637: how long does the festival go on for?
Christeyopgwe: i dont' have the schedule in front of me
c h r i s 60637: for a week or so?
Christeyopgwe: Oct 2-16
c h r i s 60637: thanks
c h r i s 60637: my friend merideth was asking me
c h r i s 60637: i was telling her how i'm speaking to a chicago film festival VIP
Christeyopgwe: oooh yeah
Christeyopgwe: that's right
c h r i s 60637: she's so impressed I can tell you
c h r i s 60637: what did you do all day?
Christeyopgwe: hung out with my best friends Laura and Olivia
c h r i s 60637: do anything exciting?
c h r i s 60637: I sure as hell didn't
Christeyopgwe: you did that ad for your sister!
Christeyopgwe: that's exciting!
c h r i s 60637: that's true
Christeyopgwe: I'm reading a book aloud to my friends
Christeyopgwe: we're almost done
c h r i s 60637: ok i'll let you finish
Christeyopgwe: it's called The Value of X by Poppy Z. Brite
Christeyopgwe: No no no
Christeyopgwe: I'll talk to you
Christeyopgwe: I've been reading all day
Christeyopgwe: we're dumb and we read aloud to each other, but I've read this whole book
c h r i s 60637: you read out loud to your friends a lot?
Christeyopgwe: well, only L and O
Christeyopgwe: but it's really fun
c h r i s 60637: that's good
c h r i s 60637: my best friend aparently just broke up with her boyfriend
Christeyopgwe: oh golly
c h r i s 60637: yeah they dated for 2 years!
Christeyopgwe: she's going to need ice cream, chocolate, and chick flicks
c h r i s 60637: she seems to be taking it well
c h r i s 60637: i know, really, i wish i weren't so far away :-Christeyopgwe: I know how that is
Christeyopgwe: golly do I know how that is
c h r i s 60637: i just suggested that we don't forget to buy evian in aersol spray cans as soon as we get back to chicago
c h r i s 60637: and she agreed that would solve everything
Christeyopgwe: :-)
Christeyopgwe: she lives here?
c h r i s 60637: nah, she lives in New York, we're driving out together actually
c h r i s 60637: but i can't really just hop in the car right now to see her
Christeyopgwe: aww!
Christeyopgwe: yeah, I know what you mean
Christeyopgwe: mine is a 14 hour drive away
c h r i s 60637: oh that's about the same as our drive, i'm surprised
c h r i s 60637: i would have thought you would have a longer drive
c h r i s 60637: but i guess not
Christeyopgwe: well, we drive pretty fast
c h r i s 60637: i c
c h r i s 60637: ;-)
c h r i s 60637: still reading?
Christeyopgwe: brb
c h r i s 60637: k
Christeyopgwe: sorry about that
c h r i s 60637: it's ok
Christeyopgwe: so what's up?
c h r i s 60637: just talking about shoes with my friend sulin and how we'll fit them all in my car
c h r i s 60637: ya know, the usual
c h r i s 60637: how about you, what are you up to?
Christeyopgwe: nothing really, my friends are all about to come over, and I really don't want them to
c h r i s 60637: why not?
Christeyopgwe: because I'm not really feeling it tonight
c h r i s 60637: aww
c h r i s 60637: tell them you aren't feeling well then
Christeyopgwe: yeah, right.. me.. not feeling well
Christeyopgwe: never happens
Christeyopgwe: I always do stuff when I'm sick
c h r i s 60637: oh well, i can't think of any excuses, i guess they just have to come over
Christeyopgwe: you should come on over
c h r i s 60637: really?
Christeyopgwe: that'd brighten my night, I'm sure :-)
c h r i s 60637: i'll be there, in like 14 hours
Christeyopgwe: I'll be waiting
c h r i s 60637: heh
c h r i s 60637: in just a week from now i'll be calling you telling you that i'm now in Chicago :-D
Christeyopgwe: awesome, so you took down my digits :-)
c h r i s 60637: actually i did
c h r i s 60637: but then i lost them
Christeyopgwe: haha it's all good :-)
Christeyopgwe: 312-388-0541
Christeyopgwe: how's that?

c h r i s 60637: gotcha
c h r i s 60637: is that the cell or your house?
Christeyopgwe: cell
Christeyopgwe: i'm never home, so that's the best way to reach me
c h r i s 60637: ok i wrote it down
Christeyopgwe: 312-588-0462
Christeyopgwe: that's home
Christeyopgwe: we're gonna have mad fun when you get here
c h r i s 60637: yeah we are
c h r i s 60637: i'm counting on it
Christeyopgwe: me too
c h r i s 60637: umm
c h r i s 60637: i made my collage today
c h r i s 60637: it's of all my family
Christeyopgwe: awww
c h r i s 60637: yeah it made me sad
c h r i s 60637: to see all the people who had died
c h r i s 60637: been divorced
c h r i s 60637: or left the country
c h r i s 60637: or anything else to ruin the perfection that was my childhood
Christeyopgwe: aww but it shaped you to who are today
c h r i s 60637: right, i suppose so.... but for one thing, i remember my childhood with my papa and nana, but really, for the bulk of years of existence, they were divorced
c h r i s 60637: so it's almost like this collage was me creating my immagined, ideal childhood
c h r i s 60637: hmm
Christeyopgwe: well you got to live one day in perfection, even in a fantasy world
c h r i s 60637: right, well it's not total b.s. the pictures are real, i didn't doctor them up. well it's always fun looking at really old photos
c h r i s 60637: it's funny to see your parents when they were young and not so weary from raising you
Christeyopgwe: heh
Christeyopgwe: my friend had a crush on her dad when he was young
Christeyopgwe: I think she's strange
c h r i s 60637: yeah that's strange
Christeyopgwe: she looks at him, and comments "wow, my dad was hot.. look at him now... what happend?"
c h r i s 60637: yah
Christeyopgwe: she's weird
c h r i s 60637: you have no idea how excited i am to be taking this Film In India course. i've never taken a cinema studies class before.
Christeyopgwe: I want to hear all about it
Christeyopgwe: I'll be living vicariously thorough your stories
c h r i s 60637: ok
c h r i s 60637: i'll take good notes
Christeyopgwe: excellent! :-)
c h r i s 60637: i can't wait to see the films (and then buy all of them)
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: Devdas is awesome
Christeyopgwe: and Indra
Christeyopgwe: those are 2 to see
c h r i s 60637: writing those down
Christeyopgwe: :-)
Christeyopgwe: MDK *mujeste doste karaoge*
Christeyopgwe: something like that
c h r i s 60637: that reminds me, have you ever gone up to Korea-Town and done noreban (korean karaoke)?
Christeyopgwe: no! I stick to American karaoke (because I win)
c h r i s 60637: but korean karaoke is funnier
Christeyopgwe: allright we'll do it
Christeyopgwe: with Olivia
Christeyopgwe: she loves it
c h r i s 60637: she's korean?
Christeyopgwe: not at all
c h r i s 60637: that's be funny if she were
c h r i s 60637: that'd*
c h r i s 60637: is raleigh affected by hurricanes much?
Christeyopgwe: I don't know my mom hasn't called me
Christeyopgwe: i'm on the phone w my sis ta now
Christeyopgwe: it hasn't made landfall yet
Christeyopgwe: it's raining on the coast
c h r i s 60637: no, i mean, is it generally affected by hurricanes?
Christeyopgwe: with heave winds
Christeyopgwe: yeah
c h r i s 60637: oh wow
Christeyopgwe: alot
c h r i s 60637: are they worried?
c h r i s 60637: would you forgive me if I said I was going to bed now?
Christeyopgwe: yrs
Christeyopgwe: but it would take me
Christeyopgwe: a long long time
Christeyopgwe: but I'll get over it
Christeyopgwe: have a great night bud
c h r i s 60637: good night :-)
Christeyopgwe: :-)
Christeyopgwe: sweet dreams

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Not weird at all

c h r i s 60637: hi Christopher!

Auto response from c h r i s 60637: cleaning the house!

Christeyopgwe: great book :-)

Auto response from c h r i s 60637: ahwosg

Christeyopgwe: Hey!
c h r i s 60637: HI
c h r i s 60637: how clean is it now?
Christeyopgwe: it's pretty clean
Christeyopgwe: it was never really dirty
c h r i s 60637: do you generally keep it pretty clean?
Christeyopgwe: yeah, I do my best
Christeyopgwe: but my roomies, are weird
Christeyopgwe: like they keep their rooms really clean, but the kitchen, and the living room, they never pick up after themeselves
c h r i s 60637: heh, i could see that happening... those are the hard parts
Christeyopgwe: NO! those are the eaisest.. I always hated cleaning my room
Christeyopgwe: but I'd clean the kitchen in a heartbest
Christeyopgwe: *beat
c h r i s 60637: well that's all good, i really can't live in a very messy environment
Christeyopgwe: but that's just me.. this is coming from a person who likes to fold laundry
c h r i s 60637: :-)
Christeyopgwe: :-)
Christeyopgwe: so how's your weekend been thus far?
c h r i s 60637: well last night was the only eventful night
c h r i s 60637: my parents had down my aunt and uncle from hartford
c h r i s 60637: and we had dinner and my uncle and i on opposite ends of the table had a conversation
c h r i s 60637: since we had both had too much wine
Christeyopgwe: haha
c h r i s 60637: these are my cool aunt and uncle so it was a good time
Christeyopgwe: that's awesome
c h r i s 60637: how about your weekend, in the end, was it good?
Christeyopgwe: I can't say it was bad
Christeyopgwe: Friday night I had alot of fun
c h r i s 60637: what did you do?
Christeyopgwe: well UIC had this huge lock-in
Christeyopgwe: and they had all these events
Christeyopgwe: my friend Monica and I won them all
Christeyopgwe: and we don't go to UIC
c h r i s 60637: haha
Christeyopgwe: I won a Gamecube
c h r i s 60637: =-O wow
c h r i s 60637: that's so cool
Christeyopgwe: it was a lot of fun
Christeyopgwe: although we stayed too long
c h r i s 60637: and you can walk over there from where you live?
Christeyopgwe: well it's 20 blocks
Christeyopgwe: so it's a walk, but I can take the Roosevelt bus
c h r i s 60637: oh right
c h r i s 60637: today my mom brought me shopping for shampoo, razors, etc. makes me want to drive out to chicago tomorrow, i'm really getting bored here, like really bored
Christeyopgwe: aww.. I know how you feel
Christeyopgwe: hey you only have a little over a week
Christeyopgwe: when do you start?
c h r i s 60637: I'll be there the 26th
c h r i s 60637: i'll start that next monday
Christeyopgwe: awesome :-)
c h r i s 60637: there are so many classes that I want to take (i'm looking at the registrar's webpage)
Christeyopgwe: I can't wait to meet you
c h r i s 60637: I want to take hewbrew
c h r i s 60637: hebrew*
Christeyopgwe: my dad took hebrew
Christeyopgwe: and greek
c h r i s 60637: oh thanks, i'm really excited about meeting you too... no guy has ever been able to be smart enough (to read and) to recommend me a book that i enjoy
c h r i s 60637: i actually went to church today and my minister said i should have told him at the beginning of the summer because he would have taught me hebrew, even though he knows i want to become a jew
Christeyopgwe: I try
Christeyopgwe: that stinks
c h r i s 60637: but good at the same time... ya know, no hard feelings
Christeyopgwe: yeah, totally
c h r i s 60637: so far I'm taking 20th C. Art of the Art Institute, Spanish and that's as far as i made it
Christeyopgwe: it's not fair (random aside) my friend Rohan gets a TON of hits, off a profile I made
Christeyopgwe: my picture, and my words.. I'm bummed out
c h r i s 60637: why isn't it fair ?
Christeyopgwe: well not really
Christeyopgwe: because I made my own profile, and I get no hits
c h r i s 60637: oh well, me too i think.... but i made a stupid profile
Christeyopgwe: are you really sweedish by the way?
Christeyopgwe: *Swedish
c h r i s 60637: 50%, i'm a halfie
c h r i s 60637: why do you ask?
Christeyopgwe: your headline is Swedish, "Where are you from" I believe
c h r i s 60637: yeah, but it's slightly grammatically incorrect, it should be Var komer du ifran or Varifran komer du
c h r i s 60637: so you know your languages
c h r i s 60637: that's awesome, i'm really in to languages
c h r i s 60637: learning them i mean
Christeyopgwe: well not really, I have a Swedish friend.. I've got friends from all over.. I can say a few things in a few languages, but I can't learn them, I get them confused
c h r i s 60637: oh that's cool
Christeyopgwe: yeah Indonesian is really cool (my best friend is indonesian) it's extremely easy to read, but things begin to sound the same, so I can't get it down
c h r i s 60637: i had no idea, that's interesting
c h r i s 60637: my friend liyana is malaysian so she speaks Bahasa Malaysia which is similar
Christeyopgwe: it's like caveman talk, that's what Maya always says
c h r i s 60637: i really want to take hebrew, but i know i can't continue it next quarter :-c h r i s 60637: if our hillel didn't suck so much then maybe they'd have hebrew classes (like my friend's at yale did)
c h r i s 60637: grrr....
Christeyopgwe: then make it better
Christeyopgwe: (those are words right out of my dad's mouth)
c h r i s 60637: haha
c h r i s 60637: thanks for the advice
c h r i s 60637: well i think i will, and i'm going to try to audit hebrew
Christeyopgwe: anytime
c h r i s 60637: i can't immagine it's an oversubscribed course
Christeyopgwe: our school doesn't have hebrew
c h r i s 60637: :-c h r i s 60637: my school has a lot of jews though
c h r i s 60637: with rich jewish parents
c h r i s 60637: :-D
c h r i s 60637: which is good
Christeyopgwe: :-)
c h r i s 60637: i'm going to find a way to do this...
Christeyopgwe: that's what I like to hear slugger
Christeyopgwe: :-P
Christeyopgwe: so you register when you go back?
c h r i s 60637: i sorta already preregistered last june, but i can add/drop as long as there are spots available
c h r i s 60637: or i can get a teacher to sign a pink slip
Christeyopgwe: ahh gotcha
c h r i s 60637: is that how yours works too?
Christeyopgwe: yeah we can add/drop until the second week of school.. my roomates didn't register until last wednesday, because they didn't wan to preregister
c h r i s 60637: heh, we can do it sorta like that too
Christeyopgwe: and if the class, is already full, and we sit in the first three weeks, then you're automatically added to the roster
c h r i s 60637: oh i like that rule
Christeyopgwe: me too
Christeyopgwe: but I had to drop a class, and it made me extremely sad
c h r i s 60637: aww
c h r i s 60637: i understan
c h r i s 60637: d
c h r i s 60637: what was the class?
Christeyopgwe: Production 1 (where you make your first 2 shorts)
c h r i s 60637: oh that sucks then
c h r i s 60637: when will you take that class?
Christeyopgwe: next semester..
Christeyopgwe: I don't really want to take the making films classes, I want to get into the producing ones
Christeyopgwe: but you have to pass the "core classes first"
c h r i s 60637: i see
Christeyopgwe: I'm already a semester ahead of most other sophomores, because I got out of 16 credit hours
Christeyopgwe: that's why I'm double majoring, I'll take me 4 years, if I go summers for 2 years
c h r i s 60637: that's really cool i got credit for 8 classes at u of c. don't have to worry as much about getting it all done at the same time
Christeyopgwe: when's your birthday?
c h r i s 60637: 16 of November
c h r i s 60637: 1983
Christeyopgwe: cool beans
c h r i s 60637: why do you ask?
Christeyopgwe: Just wondering
c h r i s 60637: when is your birthday?
Christeyopgwe: July 12 1984
Christeyopgwe: same as Caesar
c h r i s 60637: wow, caeser was born in '84?
c h r i s 60637: cool
Christeyopgwe: okay the July 12 part
c h r i s 60637: ok
c h r i s 60637: i really like this book and i almost am unsure about why i do
Christeyopgwe: I know I was the same way
c h r i s 60637: obviously it's a sad story
c h r i s 60637: it must be something about his very casual writting style
Christeyopgwe: that's why Erica got it for me, she said we've got the same style (I don't agree, but oh well)
c h r i s 60637: heh, we'll see i guess
c h r i s 60637: i'll miss the crickets when i'm back in chicago
c h r i s 60637: i'm so used to hearing them in the summer
c h r i s 60637: that's stupid i know
Christeyopgwe: yeah, that's totally how it is in NC
Christeyopgwe: and birds waking you up
c h r i s 60637: yeah
Christeyopgwe: and smelling fresh air
c h r i s 60637: I had an ex-bf (well at the time, bf) over the house a couple months ago, he totally wigged out from the cricket noise (he's from the city)
c h r i s 60637: i like it
c h r i s 60637: maybe i'll get a bird and tie it to my window sill
Christeyopgwe: hahah
Christeyopgwe: don't let it fly away
c h r i s 60637: better staple it then
c h r i s 60637: maybe that's too much
Christeyopgwe: and you can sing to it like Cinderella or Marry Poppins
c h r i s 60637: ;-)
c h r i s 60637: you know it
Christeyopgwe: oh yeah!
c h r i s 60637: i know as soon as i get back i'm going to be not excited as I am now
Christeyopgwe: no, don't let it die!
c h r i s 60637: the excitement will just drain from my fingertips
Christeyopgwe: I love this city so much
Christeyopgwe: every day I wake up, I'm just so happy being here
c h r i s 60637: i will too, but i'm more referring to school than to the city
Christeyopgwe: it's both for me
c h r i s 60637: do you have any brothers and sisters?
Christeyopgwe: I love everything.. I've got friends all over, I love riding the L, and I met at least two new people every day
Christeyopgwe: yes
Christeyopgwe: two sisters and a brother
Christeyopgwe: they are my best friends. I talk to them every day
c h r i s 60637: that's sweet
Christeyopgwe: what about you?
c h r i s 60637: I have a sister, we have a very close relationship (usually in the face of devastation or torment).... she's the only funny person in this family
c h r i s 60637: but we sometimes try to kill each other
c h r i s 60637: it makes things exciting
Christeyopgwe: I never fight with my siblings
c h r i s 60637: the other half is Italian
c h r i s 60637: we have to fight, she and I
c h r i s 60637: that's how we are able to talk so much
c h r i s 60637: she yells about how her day was, and i yell about how i just cleaned that carpet
c h r i s 60637: anyway, i love her
Christeyopgwe: haha
c h r i s 60637: i have to make a page for her in her senior year book
Christeyopgwe: yeah, we did the whole year book thing, but I didn't get my picture taken, so I'm not in the yearbook
c h r i s 60637: :-(
c h r i s 60637: i took my sister's year book photo myself :-D
Christeyopgwe: so what I did, is I've got a friend who does professional photography
Christeyopgwe: so I got a TON of pictures
Christeyopgwe: and Glued my picture to the back inside cover of everyone's yearbook
Christeyopgwe: and wrote around it
c h r i s 60637: you must be a very good looking guy for everyone to want such a big picture in their yearbook
Christeyopgwe: no one said they wanted it.. kidding.. that doesn't mean I look good
Christeyopgwe: I was student body pres
c h r i s 60637: oh ok
Christeyopgwe: well I mean I think I'm pretty cute, but that doesn't mean everyone else is
Christeyopgwe: do you have anymore pictures?
Christeyopgwe: I'll show you some of mine
c h r i s 60637: yeah i do, but there on my computer somewhere in a dungeon in Chicago
c h r i s 60637: :-Christeyopgwe: haha it's all good
c h r i s 60637: you'll see me before you'll see the pictures
Christeyopgwe: don't worry about it
Christeyopgwe: is that a promise?
c h r i s 60637: sure
Christeyopgwe: awesome
c h r i s 60637: send me one of your pictures :-D
Christeyopgwe: hah allright
christeyopgwe wants to directly connect.
c h r i s 60637 is now directly connected.
Christeyopgwe: I can't say that they are really all that good, but hey
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: that's John Cameron Mitchell next to me
c h r i s 60637: ooooh
c h r i s 60637: he did hedwig, right?
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: I made out with him
c h r i s 60637: shut up
Christeyopgwe: dead serious
c h r i s 60637: so how did you meet him?
Christeyopgwe: I'm in About Face Theater
Christeyopgwe: and he did a workshop with us
c h r i s 60637: and made out with you
Christeyopgwe: yes
c h r i s 60637: he's really old
Christeyopgwe: he turned 40 the week he was here
Christeyopgwe: I know
Christeyopgwe: and he's not that great of a kisser
c h r i s 60637: go figure
c h r i s 60637: but, besides making out with this guy, you are pretty normal right, nothing amazingly (sexually) wierd I would be interested in knowing about ;-)
Christeyopgwe: well...
Christeyopgwe: I'm a Virgin
c h r i s 60637: capital
c h r i s 60637: ooops
c h r i s 60637: capital 'V' virgin hmm
Christeyopgwe: yeah.. I'm the president of the V club
c h r i s 60637: i think you're kidding
c h r i s 60637: are you?
Christeyopgwe: I'm a virgin
Christeyopgwe: I promise you
c h r i s 60637: haha, i meant about the club
c h r i s 60637: there's no club is there?
Christeyopgwe: are you in it
Christeyopgwe: ?
c h r i s 60637: hmm
c h r i s 60637: no
c h r i s 60637: quite sadly, in fact, i wish i were
Christeyopgwe: well then you wouldn't know about it
c h r i s 60637: :-P
c h r i s 60637: guess not huh
c h r i s 60637: well i'm the president of the sex club
c h r i s 60637: that doesn't sound as glamorous
Christeyopgwe: oh. that's great
c h r i s 60637: actually sorta skanky
c h r i s 60637: nevermind
Christeyopgwe: haahaha
Christeyopgwe: yeah, my friends tease me all the time
c h r i s 60637: because they're jealous
Christeyopgwe: nah, they aren't.. they are like "you don't know what you're missing"
Christeyopgwe: and maybe I don't, but I still haven't found the right guy so
Christeyopgwe: until that moment comes..
c h r i s 60637: which is the way to do things.
Christeyopgwe: I'm a tease though (I'm warning you now)
c h r i s 60637: heh, i think i'm not going to be dating anymore to tell you something
Christeyopgwe: <-------- bursted bubble
Christeyopgwe: hah it's cool
c h r i s 60637: well it's not like i will actively avoiding dating
c h r i s 60637: oh hell no
c h r i s 60637: but i just won't be looking for it
Christeyopgwe: right I know what you mean
c h r i s 60637: i found that when i look for it and i'm agressive about it, the relationship isn't what i was hoping it might be
c h r i s 60637: in fact i have an unofficial rule of dating
Christeyopgwe: that, I understand, I'm the same way, but I had to IM you, because you were really cool
Christeyopgwe: which is..
c h r i s 60637: which is that i have to hang out as friends with a guy for X amount of times before it turns physical. If it happens too early then it was not meant to be and i wont see him again. (this seems good i think)
c h r i s 60637: i think X is 3
Christeyopgwe: doesn't sound like a bad rule to me
c h r i s 60637: thanks
Christeyopgwe: my rule is, he's got to be able to able to get along with the majority of my friends
c h r i s 60637: that's another very good rule
c h r i s 60637: i used to use that one
Christeyopgwe: what happend?
c h r i s 60637: i got to 'enthralled' with the guy my friends never saw me enough to comment on him
c h r i s 60637: they hated him in the end
c h r i s 60637: oh well me too
Christeyopgwe: I can't hate anyone.. well I don't think I can
c h r i s 60637: remind me to tell you about Rafi sometime :-D
c h r i s 60637: then you will know someone to hate
Christeyopgwe: like I really think I'll leave all of my relationships (hoever many I'll have) on good terms
Christeyopgwe: *however
c h r i s 60637: yeah and that's how i left my last relationship... on a good note
Christeyopgwe: that's good
c h r i s 60637: i'm feeling amazingly fatigued for some reason, like i ran far today, but i didn't
c h r i s 60637: i might die
c h r i s 60637: or not
Christeyopgwe: hah
Christeyopgwe: so you keep in shape
c h r i s 60637: i run for at least 40 minutes each day, but that's about it. pretty modest really
c h r i s 60637: how about you?
Christeyopgwe: well, I was blessed fairly skinny.. I mean I don't have a defined six pack or anything.. but my building has a gym, and I visit it a couple of times a week
Christeyopgwe: I try to stay active
c h r i s 60637: that's good
Christeyopgwe: and it takes me FOREVER to gain muscle
c h r i s 60637: that's fine
Christeyopgwe: like I lifted weights 2 years straight and gained like 4 pounds
c h r i s 60637: oh well, at least you're healthy... isn't that the important part
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: I guess you're right
c h r i s 60637: that's why i run, basically
Christeyopgwe: I mean I weigh 128, so I know I'm skinny
Christeyopgwe: yeah.. I ran track in Middle and half of High school
c h r i s 60637: i ran when i was a senior, both seasons
c h r i s 60637: scared for life after that
c h r i s 60637: scarred*
Christeyopgwe: I hated indoor track, because we had to practice outside
c h r i s 60637: did you go to a public school?
Christeyopgwe: well it was an IB school
Christeyopgwe: kind of like a magnet school
Christeyopgwe: but public nonetheless
c h r i s 60637: i went to a regular public high school myself. nothing too special
Christeyopgwe: it was changed to IB my Junior year..
Christeyopgwe: but yeah.
Christeyopgwe: I've got to run though, I have to go to dinner.. I don't want to go, but I hate cancelling on people
c h r i s 60637: its ok
c h r i s 60637: we've talked for over 2 hours
c h r i s 60637: i'll see ya later
Christeyopgwe: really?
c h r i s 60637: yeah
Christeyopgwe: lator gator
c h r i s 60637: bye
c h r i s 60637: :-)
c h r i s 60637 direct connection is closed.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Christeyopgwe: How's school going?
VerbumMoe: hey... it's alright
Christeyopgwe: only all right?
VerbumMoe: kinda tough this semester
Christeyopgwe: I see
Christeyopgwe: how's soccer?
VerbumMoe: it's going pretty well
VerbumMoe: we should be pretty good again
Christeyopgwe: that's good to hear
VerbumMoe: how is chicago?
Christeyopgwe: AWESOME
Christeyopgwe: I have a job
Christeyopgwe: and an internship
Christeyopgwe: and things are going grreat
VerbumMoe: awesome
VerbumMoe: that's good to hear
VerbumMoe: do you get to go home much?
Christeyopgwe: not yet, but now that I have a job, I can go home more
VerbumMoe: where are you working?
Christeyopgwe: for this private -type company.. it's like dancing, of some sort...
VerbumMoe: hmm.... sounds interesting
Christeyopgwe: Hey!
Pieta33: brb gotta get a drink and put on my masque
Christeyopgwe: ok
Pieta33: back
Christeyopgwe: :-) :-) :-)
Christeyopgwe: how the heck are ya?
Pieta33: good, actually
Pieta33: so you wil know monday about the discount
Pieta33: b/c i believe that is hte last day for me to preorder
Christeyopgwe: well that's AWESOME!
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: I will find out ASAP
Pieta33: cool
Pieta33: how are you?
Christeyopgwe: now, I am incredible
Christeyopgwe: I was pretty bad
Christeyopgwe: but wow
Pieta33: why bad?
Pieta33: and why now wow?
Christeyopgwe: well I had a horrible phone call today, from my old church. Turns out the elders and deacons got a hold of my online journal
Pieta33: uhh oh!
Christeyopgwe: yeah, it's funny now that I think about it
Pieta33: r u in troublee with their perception of God?
Christeyopgwe: oh yeah
Christeyopgwe: they are such gossips
Christeyopgwe: it's horrible
Pieta33: aspects of the divine get people in more trouble than all the world wars combined
Christeyopgwe: someone was under speculation that I was living with some 40 year old
Pieta33: LOL
Christeyopgwe: and was commiting homosexual acts with him
Christeyopgwe: oh yeah.. it was great
Pieta33: sorry
Christeyopgwe: it's all good..
Pieta33: just knowing you that is outragous
Pieta33: i mean honestly once people know you are gay then you have so many implication behid you
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Pieta33: my mom asked me if i had been tested for HIV when i had a cold this winter
Christeyopgwe: are you serious?
Pieta33: yes
Christeyopgwe: you wanna know why I'm wow now?
Christeyopgwe: but the reason I'm wow now, is becasue I just found the secret to my childhood
Pieta33: what's that?
Pieta33: Christopher you are so cute!
Christeyopgwe: okay.. well when I was little,
Christeyopgwe: and at the babysitter
Christeyopgwe: we used to listen to the SAME song everytime before we went to sleep
Christeyopgwe: whether it be naps, or whatever
Pieta33: can you resend all that
Pieta33: i hit cancel
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: okay.. well when I was little,
Christeyopgwe: and at the babysitter
Christeyopgwe: we used to listen to the SAME song everytime before we went to sleep
Christeyopgwe: whether it be naps, or whatever
Pieta33: u found that song?
Christeyopgwe: YES!!!
Christeyopgwe: I have been searching for YEARS
Christeyopgwe: for that song
Christeyopgwe: you have NO idea
Christeyopgwe: it's incredible. I'm like crying tears of joy here
Christeyopgwe: you have no clue how amazing this is to me
Christeyopgwe: I have had the best last two nights.. last night, I just had a coming of age expierence.. and tonight, wow
Pieta33: again cUte!
Christeyopgwe: and you're the person I'm sharing it all with!
Christeyopgwe: I am probablly THE happiest person on the planet now
Pieta33: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Pieta33: we will leave it at that, i am goignt o go to bed and i just have this image of you tuckered away listening to the lull-a-by, asleep with a big smile!
Christeyopgwe: that's exactly me
Pieta33: i luv it!
Christeyopgwe: have a great night
Christeyopgwe: I'll talk to you later
Pieta33: may all you days be as birght a tonight!
Christeyopgwe: AWW THANKS!

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Christeyopgwe: AHHHHHHHHH!

Auto response from CRZYcubnNaNa: I AM CUBAN HEAR ME ROAR

Christeyopgwe: I hear you have news for me!
Christeyopgwe: well you need to holler back!
Christeyopgwe: AHH! GIRL!
Christeyopgwe: GET IT GIRL!

Christeyopgwe: well IM or call me!
Christeyopgwe: 312-388-0541
Christeyopgwe: Love you!
Christeyopgwe: GIRL!
Christeyopgwe: I hear you have something to tell me!
CRZYcubnNaNa: oh yeah!
CRZYcubnNaNa: hehe
CRZYcubnNaNa: i SURE do!
CRZYcubnNaNa: gotta pee brb
Christeyopgwe: well get to talking! Then I have stuff to tell you too!
Christeyopgwe: okay
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
CRZYcubnNaNa: so im guessin maya told u already
CRZYcubnNaNa: but guess who went below the belt...
Christeyopgwe: OH HOLLER!
Christeyopgwe: AHHH!
Christeyopgwe: GET IT!
Christeyopgwe: AMEN
Christeyopgwe: did he like it?!
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
CRZYcubnNaNa: damn yeah he did!
CRZYcubnNaNa: first time anyone has ever touched it!
CRZYcubnNaNa: and it was ME beside that
Christeyopgwe: OH HOLLER!
Christeyopgwe: GET IT!
Christeyopgwe: I RESPECT!
Christeyopgwe: you are my ROLE MODEL!
CRZYcubnNaNa: boy he liked it lemme tell u what
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
CRZYcubnNaNa: it barely took 2 sec!
CRZYcubnNaNa: i was like DAMN
Christeyopgwe: AMEN
Christeyopgwe: YOU WORK THE MAGIC!
Christeyopgwe: HAHAHAHAH
Christeyopgwe: You had to go there
CRZYcubnNaNa: i did
CRZYcubnNaNa: lemme tell u somethin tho
Christeyopgwe: ok
CRZYcubnNaNa: it sure was bigger than ryan and daves
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
Christeyopgwe: amen
CRZYcubnNaNa: :-P
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
Christeyopgwe: HAHA
Christeyopgwe: AMEN
CRZYcubnNaNa: ok ok ok
CRZYcubnNaNa: so tell me what u gotta tell me
CRZYcubnNaNa: tell me tell me
CRZYcubnNaNa: now now now
Christeyopgwe: okay
Christeyopgwe: I got DRUNK!
CRZYcubnNaNa: wow
Christeyopgwe: and not regular drunk
CRZYcubnNaNa: surprise there
Christeyopgwe: NAW GIRL
Christeyopgwe: I had about 25 shots
Christeyopgwe: in 2 hours
Christeyopgwe: yeah..
Christeyopgwe: let me tell you..
Christeyopgwe: okay
Christeyopgwe: well
Christeyopgwe: where do I start
CRZYcubnNaNa: 25 shots of hat
CRZYcubnNaNa: what
Christeyopgwe: 25 shots of everything
Christeyopgwe: and you KNOW you're not supposed to mix dark with light
Christeyopgwe: I sure did
Christeyopgwe: I had some Jum Bean, some Bacardi Rum, some vodka, some Jack Daniel, Capitan Morgan, Pucker, Bacardi 151, Jagermeister
Christeyopgwe: and tequilla
CRZYcubnNaNa: tequilla will TEAR u up
CRZYcubnNaNa: all of those will actually!
CRZYcubnNaNa: are u NUTS
Christeyopgwe: I sure was on Friday
Christeyopgwe: like okay
Christeyopgwe: let me peach it to you
Christeyopgwe: well first of all, I was talking to everyone at the party, introducing myself, and being really loud..
CRZYcubnNaNa: well u are loud anyways
Christeyopgwe: then there was a straight guy there, who was also pretty drunk, and he was sitting in a chair with his package out (if ya know what I mean)
Christeyopgwe: (it was EXTREMELY small) but he liked my friend Janielle, and so I was screaming Janielle's name to come and see his dick.. she was all 'no no' and I told the guy, 'I bet she can make it hard for ya'
CRZYcubnNaNa: hahahaha
CRZYcubnNaNa: why was he hangin it out
Christeyopgwe: so they started making out, and my friend Scott dared me to touch it.. I had no idea what I was doing, so I did.. the guy got up, and left the party, and Janielle was apoligizing for me, and they got it on in the alley
Christeyopgwe: I don't know, he just took it out
Christeyopgwe: like he was sooo small
CRZYcubnNaNa: and u touched it?
Christeyopgwe: YES!
CRZYcubnNaNa: hahah
CRZYcubnNaNa: sucks for him
Christeyopgwe: I KNOW!
CRZYcubnNaNa: he shouldnt hang it out if its small!
Christeyopgwe: I then started making drunken calls, but Ben took my phone away. and we left the party. Janielle and I were so drunk, we thought we would take a shortcut back to the L, but we got so lost.. Scott finally found us, and that's we got to the L station, and that's when I started throwing up
Christeyopgwe: I KNOW!
Christeyopgwe: I threw up 8 times, lost both of my shoes, and layed on the train floor, and all these people were trying to get on the train, and were walking all over me
CRZYcubnNaNa: hun!
Christeyopgwe: I KNOW!
Christeyopgwe: I was soo drunk
CRZYcubnNaNa: 8 times!
Christeyopgwe: no 8 times before I got to Eva's house
Christeyopgwe: then three times at Eva's
CRZYcubnNaNa: oh no
Christeyopgwe: here's the kicker
CRZYcubnNaNa: uh oh
CRZYcubnNaNa: do i want to know
Christeyopgwe: when i threw up at the train station, the train came, and instead of getting up to get on the train, I layed IN MY THROW UP
CRZYcubnNaNa: why would u do that!
Christeyopgwe: I DON'T KNOW
CRZYcubnNaNa: iwwwwww
Christeyopgwe: I had alcohol poisoning
CRZYcubnNaNa: oh no
CRZYcubnNaNa: did u have to go to hospital?
Christeyopgwe: I should hav
Christeyopgwe: e
Christeyopgwe: but I didn't
Christeyopgwe: I slept all day yesterday
CRZYcubnNaNa: how do u know u got poisoning
Christeyopgwe: I was shaking
Christeyopgwe: and vomiting
Christeyopgwe: and I needed air
CRZYcubnNaNa: topher!
Christeyopgwe: and I coudn't even keep water down
CRZYcubnNaNa: did u eventually pass out?
Christeyopgwe: yeah I passed out on the L floor, and then when I got in bed
CRZYcubnNaNa: why did ur friends let u keep taking shots
CRZYcubnNaNa: ?
CRZYcubnNaNa: they shoulda makde u stop
Christeyopgwe: I WANTED TO STOP
Christeyopgwe: Scott didn't let me
CRZYcubnNaNa: what
CRZYcubnNaNa: he didnt let u!
Christeyopgwe: he kept putting them in my face
CRZYcubnNaNa: thats not cool at all
CRZYcubnNaNa: is he ur friend?
Christeyopgwe: yeah, but he's never seen me drunk, and he took care of me, but still
CRZYcubnNaNa: yea but u still dont do that
Christeyopgwe: you sure don't
CRZYcubnNaNa: he didnt have to get u that drunk
CRZYcubnNaNa: he coulda killed u!
Christeyopgwe: I Know
Christeyopgwe: but it's cool
Christeyopgwe: I'm not dead
CRZYcubnNaNa: thankfully!
CRZYcubnNaNa: boy thats CRAZY
Christeyopgwe: I'm not drinking for a LONG while
Christeyopgwe: a LONG LONG while
Christeyopgwe: times 500
CRZYcubnNaNa: i bet for a while if u even SMELL liquor then ull feel like throwing up
Christeyopgwe: I know
CRZYcubnNaNa: cuz thats how it was for me after a wihle that i got sick
Christeyopgwe: that's what happened last night at the Ben Folds Concert
CRZYcubnNaNa: ugh
CRZYcubnNaNa: well im glad ur ok! im cracking up but im glad ur alright!
Christeyopgwe: hahah
Christeyopgwe: I had to throw away my clothes
CRZYcubnNaNa: iwww
Christeyopgwe: they smelled that bad
CRZYcubnNaNa: were they good clothes?
CRZYcubnNaNa: iwwwwww
Christeyopgwe: YES
CRZYcubnNaNa: nasty dirty iw
Christeyopgwe: and i lost my shoes
Christeyopgwe: like LOST
Christeyopgwe: like they are GONE
CRZYcubnNaNa: HOW do u lose ur shoes?
Christeyopgwe: I kicked them off
Christeyopgwe: at the train station
CRZYcubnNaNa: chrrrrriiiiiissssss
Christeyopgwe: I know
Christeyopgwe: I know
CRZYcubnNaNa: and the poeple u were with didnt pick um up 4 u?
Christeyopgwe: I kind of kicked them waaay off, like into the train pit
CRZYcubnNaNa: oh dang
CRZYcubnNaNa: not smart hun!
Christeyopgwe: ya think?!
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: Cristina!
CRZYcubnNaNa: thats me
CRZYcubnNaNa: i think
Christeyopgwe: let me tell you something I have noticed
Christeyopgwe: all of my friends in NC are HOTASTIC
Christeyopgwe: and all my friends here, are not so hot, like looking
Christeyopgwe: well except Laura and Olivia
Christeyopgwe: like my friends that are girls aren't as hot, except L and O
Christeyopgwe: and my guy friends aren't that hot either
CRZYcubnNaNa: cuz me and maya are ethnic
CRZYcubnNaNa: hehe
Christeyopgwe: I need to move on up, if you know what I mean
CRZYcubnNaNa: u sure do!
CRZYcubnNaNa: ah but it dont matter if ur friends are hot!
Christeyopgwe: I know!
CRZYcubnNaNa: u gotta find u a hot man!
Christeyopgwe: but I don't need them cramping my style!
Christeyopgwe: haha
CRZYcubnNaNa: thats who needs to be hot!
CRZYcubnNaNa: i hear ya on that one!
Christeyopgwe: AMEN
Christeyopgwe: that is true
Christeyopgwe: haha
CRZYcubnNaNa: see i FINALLY got me a hot one!
CRZYcubnNaNa: took me long enough tho
Christeyopgwe: hahah
Christeyopgwe: AMEN
Christeyopgwe: I hear that
Christeyopgwe: but I need one right NOW!
CRZYcubnNaNa: u cant have owne
Christeyopgwe: hahah
Christeyopgwe: you can have him
Christeyopgwe: and his 2 second self
Christeyopgwe: hahah
Christeyopgwe: no just play play
Christeyopgwe: that just means you are extra good
CRZYcubnNaNa: boy u dont EVEN understand
CRZYcubnNaNa: i didnt even DO anything
CRZYcubnNaNa: literally
CRZYcubnNaNa: and BAM
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
Christeyopgwe: and he came!
CRZYcubnNaNa: like emeril
Christeyopgwe: HAHAHAHAHAH
CRZYcubnNaNa: and a CRAP load of it too
CRZYcubnNaNa: i was like DAMN BOY
Christeyopgwe: YOU ARE MY GIRL! AMEN! ahahah
Christeyopgwe: I RESPECT
Christeyopgwe: HAHAHAHAH
CRZYcubnNaNa: ;-)
Christeyopgwe: you said some LIKE EMERIL
Christeyopgwe: I don't respect that now
CRZYcubnNaNa: emeril goes BAM and owen did too
CRZYcubnNaNa: but owen went BAM
Christeyopgwe: HAHAHHAHAHAH
Christeyopgwe: LAMO
Christeyopgwe: I cannot control myself
Christeyopgwe: I am laughing so hard
CRZYcubnNaNa: O:-)
Christeyopgwe: HAHAHA
Christeyopgwe: yeah, you're the little angel
Christeyopgwe: suuuuuuuure
CRZYcubnNaNa: i am a little angel
Christeyopgwe: mmmm hmmmm
Christeyopgwe: you are representin' for ALL of us
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
Christeyopgwe: me you and maya
CRZYcubnNaNa: someones gotta do it!
Christeyopgwe: AMEN, you handle it!
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: I'll be back laters
CRZYcubnNaNa: adios hun
Christeyopgwe wants to directly connect.
CRZYcubnNaNa is now directly connected.
CRZYcubnNaNa direct connection is closed.
Christeyopgwe wants to directly connect.
CRZYcubnNaNa is now directly connected.
CRZYcubnNaNa: what are u sending me boy
Christeyopgwe: my friend is talking to him
Christeyopgwe: he looks pretty good
CRZYcubnNaNa: he is NOT cute
CRZYcubnNaNa: yeah right
CRZYcubnNaNa: he has a good body but his face is little boyish
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: that's true
Christeyopgwe: totalyl
CRZYcubnNaNa: ;-)
Christeyopgwe: is O over there?
CRZYcubnNaNa: he sure is
CRZYcubnNaNa: so i gota jet
Christeyopgwe: the big O
Christeyopgwe: he sure had one
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: okay
CRZYcubnNaNa: oh yeah u know
CRZYcubnNaNa direct connection is closed.
Christeyopgwe: hahahahah
Christeyopgwe: peace out
CRZYcubnNaNa: shhh
CRZYcubnNaNa: bye bye
Christeyopgwe: love ya!
Christeyopgwe: bye!
CRZYcubnNaNa: love you too!

Friday, September 05, 2003

Christeyopgwe: i want to eat
CRZYcubnNaNa: so eat
CRZYcubnNaNa: u got a kitchen u can eat whenever u want
CRZYcubnNaNa: i gotta find someone to go eat
CRZYcubnNaNa: then walk to the caf
CRZYcubnNaNa: then stand in line
CRZYcubnNaNa: then pay for my food
CRZYcubnNaNa: then sit with 200 other people
CRZYcubnNaNa: eat my food
CRZYcubnNaNa: throw out my tray
CRZYcubnNaNa: and walk back
Christeyopgwe: well dang
Christeyopgwe: you have a whole day ahead of you!

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

MelSueB1: ok
MelSueB1: oh forst of all
MelSueB1: howa are you today?
Christeyopgwe: pretty good
MelSueB1: good im glad to hear
MelSueB1: was your wishing luck for an interview?
Christeyopgwe: well the interview was weirf
Christeyopgwe: *weird
MelSueB1: ooh
MelSueB1: was this for...?
Christeyopgwe: Chicago International Film Festival
Christeyopgwe: if I get it
Christeyopgwe: you and your uncle HAVE To come up and see some movies
Christeyopgwe: they will ROCK
MelSueB1: hhmmm
MelSueB1: this is like a week long festival?
Christeyopgwe: three weeks
Christeyopgwe: so you can come down one weekend
MelSueB1: ooohh
MelSueB1: mommy like
Christeyopgwe: you'll see ALL these movie before anyone else
Christeyopgwe: these are the movies Madstone has
Christeyopgwe: but Madstone gets them about a year later
MelSueB1: hhmmm
MelSueB1: mommy realy like
MelSueB1: hahaha
MelSueB1: ok sorry
Christeyopgwe: all upscale Independent movies
MelSueB1: well thats cool
MelSueB1: when is it?
Christeyopgwe: October
Christeyopgwe: 2-2o I think?
Christeyopgwe: 2-20
MelSueB1: oh ok
Christeyopgwe: yes yes yes
Christeyopgwe: come come come
MelSueB1: well i might be able to swing that!
MelSueB1: hah
Christeyopgwe: you shold
Christeyopgwe: try
Christeyopgwe: becuase it will rock!
MelSueB1: ok
MelSueB1: yea i will keep it in mind hard core
MelSueB1: hah
MelSueB1: oh so
MelSueB1: since iven been triying to tell you my story for like 3 days
Christeyopgwe: we;; then go
MelSueB1: should i give you the real quick version?
MelSueB1: then add details you ask for?
Christeyopgwe: the WHOLE thang
MelSueB1: ok...
MelSueB1: so you remember i was on the comp at dinner?
MelSueB1: and no on ewas really on...i jst wanted to do it cause my parents didnt say anything,,,,
Christeyopgwe: yeah
MelSueB1: ok
MelSueB1: but mike was on so i every blue moon ust ask him how school is
Christeyopgwe: uh huh
MelSueB1: and then we were talkin about summers
MelSueB1: and he nentioned he broke up with his gf... and then we talked about movies
MelSueB1: and i said id like to see Magdeline sisters
MelSueB1: and he said he was lookin at a sight that says its pretty good
Christeyopgwe: uh huh...
MelSueB1: and then he says there is a showing at 9:30
MelSueB1: i thought thats nice
Christeyopgwe: uh huh...
MelSueB1: then he says wanna go?
MelSueB1: well now i think we all know the twisted history here... and how fro 8 years he has been in the back of my mind,,,,
MelSueB1: so i remember to catch my breath and realize this isnt one i can stall on
Christeyopgwe: uh uh
MelSueB1: so i said yea i do!!
MelSueB1: so i met him at Madstone
MelSueB1: he was already there
MelSueB1: and i asked if he got his ticket already and he said yea oh and i got yours too
Christeyopgwe: WOAH!
MelSueB1: soo we sit in the theater and chit chat
MelSueB1: hah
MelSueB1: what?
Christeyopgwe: go girl!
MelSueB1: haah
MelSueB1: aw'
MelSueB1: so then little into the movie he goes to get a drink
MelSueB1: comes back and says i hope root beer is ok
MelSueB1: and i wa like yea well its your drink whatever
MelSueB1: not that i saud that
MelSueB1: and then he sayd heres your straw
Christeyopgwe: awwwwwww
MelSueB1: yea but please tell me what thats suppose to imply.. or what goes through someones head when they decide to buy one drink and get 2 straws fo the person htey never really talk to but has known for years?
Christeyopgwe: right right...
Christeyopgwe: well what happend?
MelSueB1: no but seriously you were supposed to answer that
MelSueB1: hahah
Christeyopgwe: oh right
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: well
Christeyopgwe: you know
Christeyopgwe: maybe he wanted some
MelSueB1: hahah
Christeyopgwe: I would do it!
MelSueB1: riiigghhhttt
MelSueB1: hahah
MelSueB1: well
MelSueB1: we talked through the movie everyonce in a while
MelSueB1: and it was good
Christeyopgwe: uh huh
MelSueB1: and then it was over so i thought you have to do something else like coffee or something
Christeyopgwe: right right
MelSueB1: but he asked if anything was open. it was 9:30 . So i said oh do you want to get somethign to eat?
MelSueB1: and hea said yea how about Gypsys
Christeyopgwe: ohhh
Christeyopgwe: fun times
MelSueB1: so i thought, ok well good thats like open till midnight
MelSueB1: oh im sorry it was 11:30
Christeyopgwe: oh right right
MelSueB1: and we went there
MelSueB1: and it was packed
Christeyopgwe: uh huh
MelSueB1: and we talked about a million different things
Christeyopgwe: awwwww
MelSueB1: and NOTHING was in my head but our atlking and just nothign else
Christeyopgwe: nothing else?
Christeyopgwe: no kissie poo?
MelSueB1: oh well no
MelSueB1: none of that
MelSueB1: hah
MelSueB1: thatd be nice
Christeyopgwe: awwwwwwwwwww
MelSueB1: but the kicker is that David called his cell and i guess there was something about my mom
MelSueB1: so when he hung up i said oh did my mom have him call and he said yea i guess.... buit then we went right back to talking
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: uh huh..
MelSueB1: and then hahah
MelSueB1: my dad called his cell
MelSueB1: so then mike said somehtin on the phone about how it was about 2
MelSueB1: i had nooo clue
Christeyopgwe: uh huh..
Christeyopgwe: and...
MelSueB1: so my dad talked to me
Christeyopgwe: uh huh
MelSueB1: and was all pissed
MelSueB1: hah
Christeyopgwe: he was?
MelSueB1: cause i didnt have my cell phone on and they had no clue id be home so late
MelSueB1: and he said my mom was worried sick
MelSueB1: haha i think its all quite cute
Christeyopgwe: ahh
Christeyopgwe: it is
Christeyopgwe: that is kinda cutness
MelSueB1: hah yea
MelSueB1: so he was all get home right now
Christeyopgwe: that's cute
MelSueB1: and so we left and i got home at 2:30
Christeyopgwe: DANG!
MelSueB1: hah yea
MelSueB1: my mom was all pissy but shes over it now
Christeyopgwe: she better be
Christeyopgwe: you are an ADULT
Christeyopgwe: haha
MelSueB1: haha
MelSueB1: yea
MelSueB1: im 19!
MelSueB1: hah
Christeyopgwe: I KNOW!
Christeyopgwe: FUN TIMES
MelSueB1: hah
MelSueB1: yay
MelSueB1: but yea
MelSueB1: so we talked a little after that nothin exciting
MelSueB1: and oh yea i still have it
MelSueB1: MelSueB1: hey there
drumhead7: hey hey....i am actually headin off to sleep....
drumhead7: ill try to talk to ya tomorrow tho!
drumhead7: g'nighty night
MelSueB1: oh ok.. oh did you wanna hang out before i laeave thurs?
drumhead7: i would love to...but i dont think i will have a chance! i have classes all day tomorrow, and i have practice thursday
drumhead7: yar
drumhead7: BUT
drumhead7: we will hang out next break
MelSueB1: ok sure
MelSueB1: sounds good!
drumhead7: peace out....talk to ya soon!

MelSueB1: yep.. night!
Christeyopgwe: OH SHIT
Christeyopgwe: THIS IS MIKE MCKEE!
Christeyopgwe: I thought it was someone DIFFERENT
Christeyopgwe: AHHHHHHHHHH!
Christeyopgwe: WOAH!
Christeyopgwe: AHH!
Christeyopgwe: SHIt
Christeyopgwe: OH My
Christeyopgwe: I can't rypt
Christeyopgwe: I can't talk
MelSueB1: hahahahahahahaha
MelSueB1: hahahahahaha
MelSueB1: lmao
MelSueB1: hahah
Christeyopgwe: OH MY GOSH!
Christeyopgwe: AHHHHHHHHHH!
MelSueB1: hahahahaah
MelSueB1: haha
MelSueB1: I KNOW!!!
MelSueB1: hahahah
Christeyopgwe: MELISSA I AM SO STUPID!
MelSueB1: hahahaah
MelSueB1: well i love the reaction caus eyou understand how crazy this is
Christeyopgwe: I am short of breath
MelSueB1: like Rachel just cant appreciae like you
MelSueB1: hahahah
MelSueB1: haha
Christeyopgwe: I just went ape-shit
MelSueB1: hahahaah
MelSueB1: hahaha
MelSueB1: i sooo widh i was there
MelSueB1: wish
Christeyopgwe: you would see me screaming
Christeyopgwe: and we would be screaming together
Christeyopgwe: and I would be running aroung
MelSueB1: hahah
MelSueB1: gagagag
MelSueB1: hah a
Christeyopgwe: and we would both be crying
MelSueB1: i miss you!!!!!!!!!!
Christeyopgwe: I miss you too!
MelSueB1: well we are turds for not making sure we do stuff
Christeyopgwe: hey you're not that fay
Christeyopgwe: *far
MelSueB1: haha
Christeyopgwe: I have friends in Grand Rapids now
MelSueB1: yea this year at school
MelSueB1: good!
Christeyopgwe: I know
MelSueB1: well anyways... i had to tell you the story... and everyonce in a while i say in my head" i went on a date with Mike Mckee"
MelSueB1: aha it still sounds completely odd
Christeyopgwe: hahahaha
Christeyopgwe: it does!
MelSueB1: hah yea
MelSueB1: but tell me more about chicago if there is new news
Christeyopgwe: news
Christeyopgwe: oh yes
Christeyopgwe: girls
Christeyopgwe: I've kissed too many in the past three days
MelSueB1: ?
MelSueB1: hahah
Christeyopgwe: seriously, and one was about to rip my clothes offf
MelSueB1: ooh well...are we turnign over a new leaf? or jus fun or just too drunk?
MelSueB1: ahhah
Christeyopgwe: I didn't have a drop of liquor in me
MelSueB1: hmm
MelSueB1: soo were they friends?
Christeyopgwe: well one really likes me
MelSueB1: oh?
MelSueB1: hey wanna email me about it???
MelSueB1: im sorry but i gotta go to bed
Christeyopgwe: sure
Christeyopgwe: aight
Christeyopgwe: night night!
MelSueB1: ok well melissapf07@hotmail.com
MelSueB1: Night!!

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