
Friday, June 27, 2003

This is a convo with Jake. Not weird, just one I want to save.

Christeyopgwe: hey hot stuff
PlaysHigh: hey babycakes
PlaysHigh: how's NC
Christeyopgwe: oh it's hot
Christeyopgwe: I leave in three hours for Texas
PlaysHigh: why texas?
Christeyopgwe: family is there
Christeyopgwe: be there for waay too long
Christeyopgwe: I'll be there
Christeyopgwe: 9 days
PlaysHigh: how long?
Christeyopgwe: 9 days in Texas
Christeyopgwe: with my pubescent cousisns
Christeyopgwe: *cousins
PlaysHigh: eek
Christeyopgwe: oh yes
Christeyopgwe: and my sister will be sad, because het b/f couldn't come, and she's mad at home
Christeyopgwe: *him
Christeyopgwe: sorry
PlaysHigh: scool
Christeyopgwe: so what's going on in Jakeville?
PlaysHigh: oh, nothin
Christeyopgwe: how's the search for boys?
PlaysHigh: I think it's on hold
PlaysHigh: until college
Christeyopgwe: yeah I know what you mean
Christeyopgwe: you're going to be the catch of the decade for all those New England boys
PlaysHigh: haha
PlaysHigh: whatever
Christeyopgwe: oh please, you know it too
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: :-)
PlaysHigh: psh
PlaysHigh: we'll see
Christeyopgwe: that's how it's going to be for me when I get back (so I hope)
Christeyopgwe: I found out last night
PlaysHigh: oh?
Christeyopgwe: that of all of my close gay friends, there's only going to be 2 of us left this coming year
PlaysHigh: oh man
PlaysHigh: brutal
Christeyopgwe: yeah, so I have to go branch out. I'll call Hudson and get in with his friends
PlaysHigh: haha
PlaysHigh: I know a really irritating guy who's going to northwestern next year
Christeyopgwe: what's his name?
PlaysHigh: zack pfau
Christeyopgwe: is he hot?
Christeyopgwe: he's not the zakky you refer to in your livejournal is it?
PlaysHigh: I didn't think so
PlaysHigh: no
PlaysHigh: absolutely not
PlaysHigh: he's hot
PlaysHigh: and funny
PlaysHigh: but he lives in iowa city, so bad news for you :-)
Christeyopgwe: damn
Christeyopgwe: hah
Christeyopgwe: I haven't talked to David since Friday after I got Harry Potter
PlaysHigh: is this good or bad?
Christeyopgwe: bad
PlaysHigh: hmm
PlaysHigh: was he supposed to call you?
Christeyopgwe: well he said he would, but I know he's busy
Christeyopgwe: he's at Drake
Christeyopgwe: until Saturday
PlaysHigh: why?
Christeyopgwe: visiting friends of friends
Christeyopgwe: he's been there since Wednesday
PlaysHigh: ah
Christeyopgwe: yeah, but I won't worry
Christeyopgwe: (or so I tell myself)
PlaysHigh: I'm sure he's just busy
Christeyopgwe: that's what I'm hoping
Christeyopgwe: and not with a guy
Christeyopgwe: if you know what I mean
PlaysHigh: yeah
Christeyopgwe: you know what?
Christeyopgwe: 8 minute Abs works wonders
Christeyopgwe: seriously
PlaysHigh: really?
PlaysHigh: I still need to get rid of mah gut
Christeyopgwe: yeah, it's awesome
Christeyopgwe: do it like 2 or three times a day
Christeyopgwe: it hurts, but it's well worth it
Christeyopgwe: you can feel the results
PlaysHigh: oooh
PlaysHigh: what do you do?
PlaysHigh: just lots of crunches and shit?
Christeyopgwe: well, yeah, but they are in like 45 second intervals
Christeyopgwe: so you do crunches, then you do like these leg pulls
Christeyopgwe: then some other variations
Christeyopgwe: some are really easy
Christeyopgwe: and some are really hard
PlaysHigh: ah
Christeyopgwe: but it's only 8 minutes
Christeyopgwe: you should do it
Christeyopgwe: seriously
Christeyopgwe: it's only 10 mucks
Christeyopgwe: *bucks
PlaysHigh: maybe
Christeyopgwe: what are you doing up this late mister?
PlaysHigh: watching CSPAN
PlaysHigh: some reverend is embarrassing himself over the sodomy case
Christeyopgwe: what's he saying?
PlaysHigh: he's just screaming about how he doesn't like gays and the reporters are frying his ass
Christeyopgwe: that rocks cock
PlaysHigh: totally
PlaysHigh: the reporters are like "so you are in favor of the policeman entering a private home and making an arrest in the privacy of someone's house?"
PlaysHigh: and he just blusters and screams
Christeyopgwe: is it someone famous?
PlaysHigh: rev. lou sheldon?
PlaysHigh: chairman of the traditional values committee or something
Christeyopgwe: coalition
Christeyopgwe: my dad met him
PlaysHigh: wow
Christeyopgwe: you didn't say who it was earlier, and I''m not watching Cspan, but yeah, I know who he is
PlaysHigh: why did your dad meet him?
Christeyopgwe: well he was at a Pastor's conference in DC, and Sheldon was one of the speakers, and afterwards, they went to lunch or dinner or something...
Christeyopgwe: some convention that many people down here in the south go to.. it's like a bi yearly thing
PlaysHigh: oy
PlaysHigh: he was a total jackass
PlaysHigh: he was totally expected to rile up the masses around him and he got nothin and was totally lost
Christeyopgwe: http://www.traditionalvalues.org/article.php?sid=350
PlaysHigh: yep
Christeyopgwe: I have a subscription to this site
PlaysHigh: because it's funny?
Christeyopgwe: basically
PlaysHigh: fuckin antonin scalia
Christeyopgwe: I signed up when I heard about Lou from Pastor Bostrom (pastor at Church) right before I graduated
PlaysHigh: ah
Christeyopgwe: it seriously cracks me up
PlaysHigh: yeah, it's ridiculous
PlaysHigh: all that homosexual agenda shit is crazy
Christeyopgwe: yeah I know
PlaysHigh: I'm just amazed that people seriously believe that shit
Christeyopgwe: the majority of my church does
Christeyopgwe: you should live in the south for just one summer
Christeyopgwe: you'd be amazed
Christeyopgwe: it's a different country
PlaysHigh: yeah
PlaysHigh: I'm not sure I could do it, though
PlaysHigh: without killing someone
PlaysHigh: or being killed
Christeyopgwe: it's just amazing just since I've been back how different things are
PlaysHigh: really?
PlaysHigh: how so?
Christeyopgwe: like down here there are no gay clubs in high school
PlaysHigh: wow...that'd be rough
PlaysHigh: how was high school for you?
Christeyopgwe: it was different, becuase I was out, but only to a few people.. I mean I knew a ton of people, and I made sure they knew me before I came out to them. They were then cool with it.
PlaysHigh: yeah
Christeyopgwe: most everyone down here is strict republican
Christeyopgwe: and it shows. you just have to watch what you tell certain people, and read them when conversing. even in the colleges the gay scene sucks
PlaysHigh: shit
PlaysHigh: that fuckin blows
Christeyopgwe: like at Duke, you can't be gay, basically. The state schools, it's easier, but not really.
PlaysHigh: really? even at duke? that blows
Christeyopgwe: Carolina is probablly the best in the state (besides North Carolina School of the Arts, but everyone knows "the gays" all go there)
Christeyopgwe: UNC Charlotte is the next best, because that's the biggest city, so people don't seem to care as much
PlaysHigh: yeah
Christeyopgwe: there's like 2 "gay" churches in the whole state
PlaysHigh: oy
Christeyopgwe: only as of last year did they say that someone's "sexual orientation" didn't matter when applying for a job. People used to get fired over that shit
PlaysHigh: yeah
PlaysHigh: brutale
Christeyopgwe: oh yeah
Christeyopgwe: I want to bring my boyfriend to church one day
Christeyopgwe: I don't really go to that church anymore
PlaysHigh: and just fuck everyone up
Christeyopgwe: but one day, I'm going to do it
Christeyopgwe: I have promised
PlaysHigh: haha
PlaysHigh: that'd be awesome
Christeyopgwe: it's going to be a defining point in my life, I already know it
PlaysHigh: yeah
Christeyopgwe: I had a dream one night that while Pastor Steve was giving his sermon, I went up to the pulpit and kissed my boyfriend. No one knew what to do
PlaysHigh: that'd be brilliant
Christeyopgwe: oh yes
Christeyopgwe: but I must finish packing
Christeyopgwe: I think I have "late packer's syndrome"
Christeyopgwe: I can't pack until minutes before I'm to go somewhere
PlaysHigh: haha
Christeyopgwe: so what are you doing now?
PlaysHigh: watching fox news
PlaysHigh: the best news syndicate...ever
Christeyopgwe: ever? well dang dang
PlaysHigh: you better believe it

Friday, June 20, 2003

I've got it. Bad. For David. This is not good.

The following is my conversation with Mike.

MikeF3200: hey you
Christeyopgwe: hey buddy!
Christeyopgwe: how are you?
MikeF3200: i'm 20
MikeF3200: lol
MikeF3200: and i'm good
MikeF3200: how have you been?
Christeyopgwe: I've been well
Christeyopgwe: I miss Chicago so friggin much
MikeF3200: aww
MikeF3200: funny, i was hanging out with another friend from columbia today who lives in indiana ... and he was saying how glad he was to be out of chicago
Christeyopgwe: ha, are you serious?
MikeF3200: yeah, he hated it there
MikeF3200: but he's just a country bumpkin lol
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: I LOVE chicago
Christeyopgwe: I mean wow
MikeF3200: hehe
MikeF3200: so when are ya coming back?
Christeyopgwe: August
MikeF3200: cool
Christeyopgwe: oh yes
MikeF3200: hehe
MikeF3200: i have sand in my hair
MikeF3200: lol
Christeyopgwe: since you're growing it out, right?
MikeF3200: well, the two are not directly related, but sort of
MikeF3200: lol
MikeF3200: i was at the beach and it was really windy
Christeyopgwe: fun times!
MikeF3200: hehe
MikeF3200: i think someone is going to take my picture on saturday and i'll send it to you so you can see my hair
MikeF3200: lol
Christeyopgwe: whoo-hoo!
MikeF3200: hehe
Christeyopgwe: that makes me happy
Christeyopgwe: what are you doing Saturday?
MikeF3200: working at the railroad museum
MikeF3200: with a cute boy
MikeF3200: :-D
Christeyopgwe: fun times!
MikeF3200: i also have a picture my friend took at Navy Pier a few weeks before school ended and there's one with me rubbing the giant hot dog statue and there's one with me sticking my hand in another sculpture that looks like an ass
MikeF3200: my tongue is sticking out in that one
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: you and ass..
Christeyopgwe: what can I say?
MikeF3200: actually i look really cute in that picture, if i may say so myself
Christeyopgwe: oh really?
MikeF3200: which i never say
MikeF3200: i usually hate how i look in pictures
Christeyopgwe: well let's see
MikeF3200: actually i could whip out my scanner and scan it now for you
Christeyopgwe: and whip out that digital camera too
MikeF3200: i don't have a digital camera
Christeyopgwe: damn
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: kissing
Christeyopgwe: *kidding
MikeF3200: haha
MikeF3200: actually i wouldn't take a picture now anyway because my hair is all weird and i am getting it cut tomorrow
Christeyopgwe: cut!!!???
MikeF3200: just trimmed on the sides
MikeF3200: so i will look cute so i can impress cute boy
Christeyopgwe: haha
MikeF3200: :-D
Christeyopgwe: yeah, there's no one here to impress
Christeyopgwe: but I can't wait to get back, so I can (hopefully) continue to woo David
MikeF3200: tee hee
MikeF3200: who is David?
Christeyopgwe: ahh, long time no talk!
Christeyopgwe: let me catch you up
MikeF3200: yes, feel me up
MikeF3200: *catch me up
Christeyopgwe: David is quite the charming gentleman
Christeyopgwe: hahah
Christeyopgwe: his looks are rather intriguing if I may say so myself
MikeF3200: oh?
Christeyopgwe: he's a 6'1 Taurus with green eyes, and weighs in the 165 range. He's got a toned body, that he continues to work on, and he's an extremely fine kisser
Christeyopgwe: nice deep voice, and his smile is breathtaking
Christeyopgwe: haha
MikeF3200: yum
Christeyopgwe: yeah, he's a guy who I met a couple of weeks before I left, and we kinda left off, at a waird position.. like beginning to date, but not quite boyfriends... like he's met some of my friends, and vice versa, and we've spent a night together (nothing happend, I promise, I'm a good girl, I am!) and we talk on the phone (well not recently, for he's been a busy one)
Christeyopgwe: but I like him
MikeF3200: i see
Christeyopgwe: anyways
MikeF3200: hehe
MikeF3200: want me to e-mail you the pictures?
Christeyopgwe: yeah sure!
MikeF3200: ok

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Christeyopgwe: sorry
CRZYcubnNaNa: tis ok
Christeyopgwe: ah!
CRZYcubnNaNa: ah what?
Christeyopgwe: I feel bad for wanting to go back
Christeyopgwe: like school doesn't start until Spet. 22, but I'm looking at going back the First of August
CRZYcubnNaNa: yeah thats when im leaving
CRZYcubnNaNa: thats when about everyone is leaving
Christeyopgwe: yeah, but what about my mom?
Christeyopgwe: and I have this weird feeling that I'll hate it when I go back
CRZYcubnNaNa: why do u think ull hate it?
CRZYcubnNaNa: ull be home for over a mounth
CRZYcubnNaNa: thats a long time
Christeyopgwe: I don't know.. I mean I didn't like it much when I first moved there
CRZYcubnNaNa: but u liked it after u got used to it
CRZYcubnNaNa: u always gotta let stuff settle for a whie
Christeyopgwe: that is the TRUFUS
CRZYcubnNaNa: i mean it might be the same thing with being home
Christeyopgwe: yeah, you're right
CRZYcubnNaNa: u might just have to get used to it ya know?
Christeyopgwe: totally
CRZYcubnNaNa: maybe itll just take time and then ull enjoy being here and then when its time to go back ull know
CRZYcubnNaNa: ya cant give up on it when uve been here barely a week!
CRZYcubnNaNa: now say thank you preacher cristina
CRZYcubnNaNa: hehe
Christeyopgwe: AMEN
Christeyopgwe: PREACH IT
Christeyopgwe: you just made me feel better
CRZYcubnNaNa: thats what im here for!
Christeyopgwe: that's going in the blog
CRZYcubnNaNa: i feel special!
CRZYcubnNaNa: ya know i actualy thought about starting one
CRZYcubnNaNa: but i dont think anyone would read it
Christeyopgwe: you should!
Christeyopgwe: I would
Christeyopgwe: I would put you in mine!
Christeyopgwe: then all the people who read mine, will read yours
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
Christeyopgwe: and who cares if people read it?
CRZYcubnNaNa: true DAT
Christeyopgwe: it's for YOU first of all
CRZYcubnNaNa: but see
CRZYcubnNaNa: i would end up writing it with the thought in mind that people were gonna read it
CRZYcubnNaNa: and then i would change what i said to say what i think they wnat to hear
Christeyopgwe: yeah, I used to do that, then I stopped, now, I don't care
CRZYcubnNaNa: yeah
CRZYcubnNaNa: see thatsgood that u dont care
CRZYcubnNaNa: i gotta learn to not care
CRZYcubnNaNa: me no care!
CRZYcubnNaNa: me no care!
Christeyopgwe: RIGHT!
Christeyopgwe: amen!
Christeyopgwe: I'm gonna call David in like an hour
Christeyopgwe: I gotta stay up till then
CRZYcubnNaNa: aw
CRZYcubnNaNa: has he called u first?
Christeyopgwe: he meant to last night, but he didn't :-(
Christeyopgwe: so I'll call him, and if he doesn't call me, then I'll leave him a message and he'll call me back
CRZYcubnNaNa: how do u know he meant too?
Christeyopgwe: he said he was going to
CRZYcubnNaNa: but he DIDNT did he?
Christeyopgwe: n
Christeyopgwe: o
Christeyopgwe: :-(
CRZYcubnNaNa: no thats not a bad thing!
CRZYcubnNaNa: all im sayin is dont ya want to make him suffer?
CRZYcubnNaNa: hehe
CRZYcubnNaNa: i mean where are u standin?
CRZYcubnNaNa: are ya bein the boy or the girl?
Christeyopgwe: I don't know
CRZYcubnNaNa: ok rephrase
CRZYcubnNaNa: who is doing the chasing?
Christeyopgwe: I want him to
CRZYcubnNaNa: well he cant chase u if ur the one callin him
Christeyopgwe: you are right
Christeyopgwe: but what if he keeps on forgetting
CRZYcubnNaNa: then find someone who wont
Christeyopgwe: no!
Christeyopgwe: aww
Christeyopgwe: don't say that
Christeyopgwe: I want him though
Christeyopgwe: hahah
CRZYcubnNaNa: i know!
CRZYcubnNaNa: but u gotta make him want u just as much!
CRZYcubnNaNa: think about it
CRZYcubnNaNa: think if u were doing what he is doing to you
CRZYcubnNaNa: dont ya think he would start feelin the same way
CRZYcubnNaNa: and be wanting to call u and see what u were doing?
Christeyopgwe: yeah
CRZYcubnNaNa: so im not saying dont call him
CRZYcubnNaNa: cuz u KNOW i call owen ALL the time
CRZYcubnNaNa: all im sayin is u gotta make him want u just as much
CRZYcubnNaNa: let him do some chasin too
Christeyopgwe: yeah, I know what you mean, totally.
CRZYcubnNaNa: hehe
Christeyopgwe: AMEN
Christeyopgwe: PREACH IT
Christeyopgwe: I think this whole conversation is going in my special conversation blog!
CRZYcubnNaNa: there is a conversation blog?
Christeyopgwe: yeah
CRZYcubnNaNa: cool
CRZYcubnNaNa: i didnt know that
Christeyopgwe: http://ghettoconvos.blogspot.com
Christeyopgwe: HE SIGNED ON
Christeyopgwe: okay
Christeyopgwe: wait for him to IM me first..
Christeyopgwe: yaay!
CRZYcubnNaNa: yes yes
CRZYcubnNaNa: wait
Christeyopgwe: he did!
Christeyopgwe: tem points for me
CRZYcubnNaNa: SEE!
CRZYcubnNaNa: and u didnt have to call!
Christeyopgwe: true that
Christeyopgwe: he's about to go to the club
Christeyopgwe: I want to go!
CRZYcubnNaNa: who is he going with?
Christeyopgwe: his friend Jenny
Christeyopgwe: sad times
CRZYcubnNaNa: no its not sad
Christeyopgwe: some hot guy is gonna want him
CRZYcubnNaNa: chris dont do that
Christeyopgwe: I know
Christeyopgwe: I'm kidding
CRZYcubnNaNa: better be
CRZYcubnNaNa: boy
Christeyopgwe: we are gonna have a bangin birthday party for me
Christeyopgwe: I mean HOTNNESS
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
CRZYcubnNaNa: i dont even know when ur bday is!
CRZYcubnNaNa: when is it?
Christeyopgwe: July 12
CRZYcubnNaNa: july 12
CRZYcubnNaNa: july 12
Christeyopgwe: right right!
Christeyopgwe: holler
Christeyopgwe: we're gonna go to Legends that night, and have a BANGIN party the next night
CRZYcubnNaNa: yeah man
CRZYcubnNaNa: that sounds like fun!
Christeyopgwe: amen
Christeyopgwe: or you could throw a surprise party!
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: yeah right
CRZYcubnNaNa: aw!
CRZYcubnNaNa: well i cant NOW
CRZYcubnNaNa: u ruined it!
Christeyopgwe: no I didn't
Christeyopgwe: you should!~
CRZYcubnNaNa: haha
Christeyopgwe: it would be FUN TIMES
CRZYcubnNaNa: yeah ya did
Christeyopgwe: yaay!
CRZYcubnNaNa: dont worry we will have a huge party
Christeyopgwe: we better!

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Christeyopgwe: don't be a pussyface
Christeyopgwe: :'(
G1amRockStar1et: LOL
G1amRockStar1et: i cant help it
G1amRockStar1et: my forehead sprouted a vagina yesterday
G1amRockStar1et: i havent been able to get rid of it
Christeyopgwe: haahah!!!!
Christeyopgwe: that's the funniest thing I've heard all daY!
G1amRockStar1et: its truuue
G1amRockStar1et: i think my nose is turning into a clitoris
G1amRockStar1et: every time i rub it for too long i have an orgasm
Christeyopgwe: I wish I had that
Christeyopgwe: do you have a hot spot, like where you stick one or two fingers up there?
G1amRockStar1et: hmm havent trried that

Thursday, June 05, 2003

This isn't exactly a werd conversation, but it's Becky. Come on now. I want to have her children.

Christeyopgwe: you!!!!!!!!
BeckyLou6644: hey!!!
BeckyLou6644: look i know a lot of christys
Christeyopgwe: How many Christopher Guest's do you know
BeckyLou6644: ah hahahahahh
BeckyLou6644: are you here?
BeckyLou6644: or in chic a go
Christeyopgwe: MOday at 7:50
BeckyLou6644: GET OUT
BeckyLou6644: make nathan giv eyou the personal trailer job!!
Christeyopgwe: ok
Christeyopgwe: tell him
BeckyLou6644: o i did
BeckyLou6644: and you tell him too
BeckyLou6644: this is exciting i am excited
BeckyLou6644: have i told you chadley is going to be living with us?
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: I read in Alannas blog
BeckyLou6644: isnt taht grrrrrreat
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: tha't saweosme
BeckyLou6644: wouldnt it be awesome if you came back and i had turned glamorously gorgeous and you had become an olympic gymnast?
Christeyopgwe: yes
Christeyopgwe: that would be
Christeyopgwe: you wouldn't recognize me now
Christeyopgwe: I have put on about 30 pounds
BeckyLou6644: you lie
Christeyopgwe: of muscle
BeckyLou6644: face muscle
BeckyLou6644: wouldnt that be weird
Christeyopgwe: hahahah
Christeyopgwe: that would rock
BeckyLou6644: i bet you gained thirty ass pounds!!!
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: I did
BeckyLou6644: geez i need to find a humble abode christop
BeckyLou6644: i am getting anxious
BeckyLou6644: i think greg is getting married this weekend or next
Christeyopgwe: are you serious?
Christeyopgwe: wowsers!
Christeyopgwe: did y'all get invited?
BeckyLou6644: yeah and you know what else is crazy?
Christeyopgwe: what?
BeckyLou6644: i started wearing tampons today!
BeckyLou6644: im serious.
Christeyopgwe: oh my
Christeyopgwe: hahahaha
Christeyopgwe: you are the bestest
BeckyLou6644: for wearing tampons? then millions of women are the bestest
Christeyopgwe: no
Christeyopgwe: just you
Christeyopgwe: so there aren't any new guys at the Madhouse are there?
BeckyLou6644: no erica went on a spree hiring girls before she left and thats it
Christeyopgwe: oh new girls?
BeckyLou6644: mm this girl diana who you will hate because she is a total square and andrea who john boles has a big crush on but she does a lot of drugs and is generally annoying
Christeyopgwe: diana? did she used to work at park place?
BeckyLou6644: no crossroads
Christeyopgwe: oh
Christeyopgwe: I know a diand from park place
Christeyopgwe: and she wansn't that bad
Christeyopgwe: blah
BeckyLou6644: no you will HATE this diana
BeckyLou6644: it should be interesting
BeckyLou6644: you're going to think she's stoopid and wont respect that
BeckyLou6644: but no one will blame you
Christeyopgwe: watch me date her
Christeyopgwe: I don't hate people
Christeyopgwe: I love!
Christeyopgwe: yaay!
Christeyopgwe: she'll prolly think I"m stoopid
Christeyopgwe: then we'll have to kick her out
Christeyopgwe: beacause I'm an original
BeckyLou6644: the original, christop
Christeyopgwe: exactly
BeckyLou6644: i went to visit our dead patch of grass the other nite
BeckyLou6644: it was very emotional
Christeyopgwe: how is it doing?
Christeyopgwe: aww yaay
BeckyLou6644: you have to meet shawn's girlfriend
Christeyopgwe: did one little tear drop?
BeckyLou6644: its doing dead
BeckyLou6644: not for that patch of barren earth, my friend
BeckyLou6644: haha kidding
BeckyLou6644: it was suite
Christeyopgwe: good
Christeyopgwe: we gotta kill some more
BeckyLou6644: haha all of it
BeckyLou6644: for you
Christeyopgwe: yaaay
BeckyLou6644: i think conan o'brien is sexy
BeckyLou6644: i'm so mad you already know nathan
Christeyopgwe: what?
BeckyLou6644: because otherwise i would be all: "i cant wait for you to meet my beau"
Christeyopgwe: awwwwww
Christeyopgwe: I would say the same thing
Christeyopgwe: but boys fucking suck ass
BeckyLou6644: some of them do, but i dont think they all get into that
Christeyopgwe: hahahah
Christeyopgwe: you are so incredibly awesome
Christeyopgwe: it's not funnny
BeckyLou6644: ok now that s a contradiction because you said haha and then proceeded to say i wasnt funny
BeckyLou6644: and i dont know what to feel right now
Christeyopgwe: hahahahah
Christeyopgwe: I miss you soo much
Christeyopgwe: oh becky
Christeyopgwe: I want to write a poem about you
BeckyLou6644: ok
BeckyLou6644: i would not be politically opposed to that
BeckyLou6644: you dont have to miss me because ill see you soon
Christeyopgwe: I knowo!
Christeyopgwe: I am so happy
Christeyopgwe: I don't care about having a boy
Christeyopgwe: because I'll have you
BeckyLou6644: yeah!!!!!! ill shave my head and wear dickies
Christeyopgwe: for me?!
BeckyLou6644: yesssss
Christeyopgwe: that makes me blush
BeckyLou6644: but no one can tell so you're golden!!
BeckyLou6644: i hope that didnt offend you
BeckyLou6644: i didnt mean it mean
BeckyLou6644: but its true, right?
BeckyLou6644: i would love taht
Christeyopgwe: no offense taken
BeckyLou6644: oh have you talked to alanna recently
Christeyopgwe: kind of
Christeyopgwe: I am trying to talk to Erica
Christeyopgwe: but she's not emailing me back
Christeyopgwe: she always does
BeckyLou6644: i see
BeckyLou6644: well i havent talked to her today and her relationship with gentry is a daily mutating thing
Christeyopgwe: wait
Christeyopgwe: they are over
Christeyopgwe: that's what she told me
BeckyLou6644: what when
Christeyopgwe: bout a week ago?
Christeyopgwe: whY?
Christeyopgwe: ew
Christeyopgwe: I shouldn't gossip
Christeyopgwe: it's bad
BeckyLou6644: of course well they're interesting thats all
BeckyLou6644: i think alanna s my best friend
Christeyopgwe: awwwwwwwwww
BeckyLou6644: and then theres also nathan
Christeyopgwe: awww
BeckyLou6644: you make me feel like a cheezball
BeckyLou6644: we need to see bollywood films!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christeyopgwe: no it's not cheezy, it's just I miss everyone so much, and to think I'm only coming home for summertime makes me sad
BeckyLou6644: nathan bought me equilibrium for my birthday!!
BeckyLou6644: dont be sad we have all summer
BeckyLou6644: and over the summer youll miss everyone in chic a go
BeckyLou6644: that roks!!!!!!'
Christeyopgwe: no I'll only miss about 2 people
Christeyopgwe: seriously
BeckyLou6644: christop
Christeyopgwe: becca
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: kidding
BeckyLou6644: oh gross i cant believe you just gross did that
BeckyLou6644: at schoolkids everyone calls me becky louise and the boss likes to joke around with me and on the schedule i'm called becky lucifer
BeckyLou6644: i want to get a lot more hours at madstone this summer but their already all taken
Christeyopgwe: haha
BeckyLou6644: but i have seniority!!
Christeyopgwe: already?
BeckyLou6644: well practically
BeckyLou6644: greg and chris w. are still there
BeckyLou6644: but i've been there longer than both ass. managers and half of the projectionists at this point
BeckyLou6644: not to mention the majority of the floor
Christeyopgwe: go girl!
BeckyLou6644: no not really though because even though i am dating the freaking GENERAL MANAGER i dont think i can get anymore shifts
Christeyopgwe: hahahah
Christeyopgwe: fun times
Christeyopgwe: you're so right
Christeyopgwe: Frida comes out Tuesday!

BeckyLou6644: well that s good
BeckyLou6644: we have the soundtrack at schoolkids
Christeyopgwe: steal it for me
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: kidding
BeckyLou6644: yeah that would be real cute because i am CLUMSY
Christeyopgwe: :-P
BeckyLou6644: yeah like that
Christeyopgwe: oh blah
Christeyopgwe: I'm losing it on Sunday
BeckyLou6644: losing what
Christeyopgwe: IT
BeckyLou6644: and can you really lose something if youre planning on i t
BeckyLou6644: youll just be able to find it again
Christeyopgwe: no the big IT
BeckyLou6644: if its big itll be even harder to lose
Christeyopgwe: IT
Christeyopgwe: haha
BeckyLou6644: ok you did not say underlined italicized big it
BeckyLou6644: now it sperfectly clear
BeckyLou6644: i'm getting on birth control next week
Christeyopgwe: are you serious?
BeckyLou6644: yesssss
BeckyLou6644: the patch
Christeyopgwe: birth control and tampons
Christeyopgwe: wow
BeckyLou6644: i think ill wear i t on my forehead and be real popular
BeckyLou6644: i know i am a big girl now
Christeyopgwe: yes you are
Christeyopgwe: I'm so prous
BeckyLou6644: i really like cat power for real
BeckyLou6644: i want to be one of those skeezy white woman rappers
Christeyopgwe: me too
Christeyopgwe: except not a white woman rapper
BeckyLou6644: like peaches and princess superstar
BeckyLou6644: just skeezy?
Christeyopgwe: well sleazy, but skeezy?
Christeyopgwe: I'll have to think about that
BeckyLou6644: yeah and yr name can be skeezy e
BeckyLou6644: i want a cool skeezy white rapper lady name
BeckyLou6644: something with lady in it
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: I just finished giving an online lecture on deepthroating
BeckyLou6644: good god
BeckyLou6644: as sexciting as that is
BeckyLou6644: i think i'm going to make like vincent
BeckyLou6644: and van gogh
Christeyopgwe: hahahah
Christeyopgwe: alright
Christeyopgwe: bye becky!
BeckyLou6644: good nite and you have to call me and see me when you get her
BeckyLou6644: NO LIE
Christeyopgwe: I will!
Yeah. So I'm meeting Jake for the first time since October. That's like nine months. I'm leaving Chicago, and I'm just now meeing him. Haha. Golly my life.

Christeyopgwe: can you talk?
PlaysHigh: yes
PlaysHigh: what's up?
Christeyopgwe: allright, so David ditched me again (I know you don't know the first story, but I'll catch you up on that later)
Christeyopgwe: and he signed online
PlaysHigh: hmm
PlaysHigh: that's uncool
Christeyopgwe: and now I'm thinking I shouldn't IM him, but everything in me is telling me to
PlaysHigh: do it
PlaysHigh: he ditched you twice, you should be bitching him out as we speak
Christeyopgwe: that's so queeny though
PlaysHigh: yeah
PlaysHigh: but it's really bastard-ish to ditch someone twice
PlaysHigh: just be like "what's up? missed you tonight"
PlaysHigh: or something
Christeyopgwe: totally
PlaysHigh: doooo iiiitttt
PlaysHigh: because you'll kick yourself if you don't
Christeyopgwe: yeah, you're right
Christeyopgwe: I said "so how was the movie"? (he ditched me to drink with a girl and watch a movie)
Christeyopgwe: a GIRL
Christeyopgwe: eww
PlaysHigh: gross!
PlaysHigh: demon-hole!
Christeyopgwe: I know
PlaysHigh: has he responded yet?
Christeyopgwe: yeah, he said "eh, it was okay"
Christeyopgwe: I asked "what movie"
PlaysHigh: haha
Christeyopgwe: he said "vampire chronicles"
Christeyopgwe: then signed off
PlaysHigh: oh, fuck
Christeyopgwe: yeah
Christeyopgwe: .
Christeyopgwe: I hear that
PlaysHigh: that's totally uncool
PlaysHigh: I'm sorry, dude
Christeyopgwe: you don't have to be sorry
Christeyopgwe: it's not your fault
Christeyopgwe: yes it is.. all your fault. you should have met me when I moved here, and we could be dating, and I wouldn't have to go through this
Christeyopgwe: hahahah
Christeyopgwe: kidding
PlaysHigh: haha
PlaysHigh: sorry about that
Christeyopgwe: :-P
Christeyopgwe: I'm kidding
PlaysHigh: you better be!
PlaysHigh: haha
PlaysHigh: what are you doing tomorrow? or this weekend? we should hang before you depart to NC
Christeyopgwe: tomorrow, nothing before 2 or after 10
Christeyopgwe: this weekend
Christeyopgwe: nothing
PlaysHigh: hmm
PlaysHigh: do you like indian food?
Christeyopgwe: I love samosas
PlaysHigh: what's the closest el stop to northwestern?
Christeyopgwe: Foster
Christeyopgwe: or Davis
Christeyopgwe: but Foster is the closest
Christeyopgwe: but most people only know Davis
PlaysHigh: yeah, I don't know where foster is
PlaysHigh: and it looks like it's kind of far from d-town e-town
Christeyopgwe: Davis is right in D-town E-town
Christeyopgwe: Foster is the next one
PlaysHigh: okay
PlaysHigh: do you want to meet at the davis stop around noon tomorry and we'll go eat indian food?
Christeyopgwe: sure
Christeyopgwe: I'll have to leave at 2
Christeyopgwe: for I have work at three
PlaysHigh: that's cool
PlaysHigh: and no funny business, I have a boyfriend, har har
Christeyopgwe: damnit
Christeyopgwe: I don't want to meet you then
PlaysHigh: haha
PlaysHigh: don' be like that!
Christeyopgwe: not even a little kiss? I can't garuntee you'll be able to keep your hands off of me
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: kidding
PlaysHigh: haha
PlaysHigh: I have an iron will
Christeyopgwe: yeah
PlaysHigh: wow
Christeyopgwe: what?
PlaysHigh: I kind of wish I had a weird conversation journal like you
Christeyopgwe: I don't even put up half the ones I should
Christeyopgwe: but hey
PlaysHigh: I just gave a friend of mine from oklahoma a very lengthy tutorial on blowjobs
Christeyopgwe: I forget
PlaysHigh: I feel like I should not forget it
Christeyopgwe: haha
Christeyopgwe: post it in your regular one
PlaysHigh: I will

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